Open-air conventicles were held in all parts of the provinces, and the fierce Calvinist preachers raised the religious excitement of their hearers to such aitch that it found vent in a furious outburst The lcono- P oasts. [Please select]
English was spoken everywhere--and much of it was the English of the cockney, innocent of the aitch, and redolent of that strange tongue. [Please select]
16] a letter had appeared, signed 'Jay Aitch,' inquiring as to the school of mystics founded by Lavater, alluded to on page 83 of the _Illustrated Aylwin_. [Please select]
It was exactly like 'Aylwinism,' which seems to have been related to the doctrines of the Lavaterian sect about which Jay Aitch inquires. [Please select]
With regard to Johann Kaspar Lavater, Jay Aitch is no doubt aware that, although this once noted writer's fame rests entirely upon his treatise _Physiognomische Fragmente_, he founded a school of mystics in Switzerland. [Please select]
1, is the loin; 2, rump; 3, aitch or adz-bone; 4, buttock; 5, hock; 6, thick flank; 7, thin flank; 8, fore-rib; 9, middle rib; 10, cuck-rib; 11, brisket; 12, leg of mutton piece; 13, clod or neck; 14, brisket. [Please select]
There was a dropped aitch for which nurse, who was very choice in her English, would undoubtedly have rebuked him had she been present. [Please select]
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