Sentence example with the word 'aggressive'


abrupt, bickering, combative, factional, harsh, jingoist, offensive, sanguinary, spanking, unpeaceful, zippy

Definition adj. having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends

Last update: October 18, 2016


By contrast, men are stereotyped as naturally aggressive, with violence simmering just below the surface.   [verb]


Germans are extremely aggressive drivers and politeness on the road is not rewarded.   [adjective]


Thanks to their energetic, aggressive methods, they have proved an inspiration to some of our own lifeless and spineless ladies.   [adjective]


At length, driven to an extremity, he became aggressive himself, and Delescluze sent him his seconds.   [adjective]


Business, always aggressive, had pushed through the arched entrance into a narrow lane and court, which, passing by the walls of the great tower, conducted on into the city.   [adjective]


Such acts are the violent recoil from violence, whether aggressive or repressive; they are the last desperate struggle of outraged and exasperated human nature for breathing space and life.   [adjective]


This wig-maker had rendered him aggressive.   [adjective]


In a bee-line, through the underbrush, which is peculiarly dense, very thorny, and very aggressive in that locality, a full half hour was necessary.   [adjective]

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aggressions - aggressive - aggressively