Sentence example with the word 'aggressions'


Last update: July 25, 2015


The conquest of Cyprus by the Turks, and their aggressions on the Christian powers, frightened the states of the Mediterranean into forming a holy league for their common defence.   [Please select]


She had been justly provoked by their repeated aggressions.   [Please select]


It is clear also that a barrier was erected against the aggressions of Austria.   [Please select]


Commerce must be totally suspended until the full scope of these new aggressions could be ascertained.   [Please select]


” The disasters of Russia in Manchuria in 1905 released the spirit of German imperialism to bolder aggressions.   [Please select]


Only a strong central power enables a country to resist hostile aggressions on a great scale.   [Please select]


The resistance of the colony to external aggressions was not less resolute.   [Please select]


The two parties were to support each other in case of war, and the Peishwa bound himself not to make aggressions against other states, nor to negotiate with them without the Governor's consent.   [Please select]


“Until the time of Cæsar,” says Cicero, “our generals were satisfied with repelling the Gauls, thinking more of putting a stop to their aggressions than of carrying the war among them.   [Please select]

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aggression - aggressions - aggressive