Sentence example with the word 'aggregations'


Last update: August 23, 2015


In both these doctrines of a priori science Descartes has not been subverted, but, if anything, corroborated by the results of experimental physics; for the so-called atoms of chemical theory already presuppose, from the Cartesian point of view, certain aggregations of the primitive particles of matter.   [Please select]


Large aggregations of many cells into one cluster are the latest development of pueblo architecture.   [Please select]


With smaller amounts of precipitation only stragglers or small aggregations are present at the breeding ponds.   [Please select]


Pairing takes place soon after the breeding aggregations are formed.   [Please select]


Veteran regiments in the army were likely to be very small aggregations of men.   [Please select]


Here are wealth, aggregations of intelligence, and a surplus of the educated labor class.   [Please select]


The agricultural interest was losing its pre-eminence; and huge towns with vast aggregations of artisan population were beginning to spring up with unprecedented rapidity.   [Please select]

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aggregation - aggregations - aggress