Sentence example with the word 'aggregation'


accumulation, amassment, cabal, combo, conglobation, crowd, gob, joinder, marriage, reserve, tie

Definition n. several things grouped together or considered as a whole

Last update: October 21, 2015


We might thus examine a structure formed of an aggregation of very thin vortex rings, which would move across the fluid without sensibly disturbing it; on the other hand, if formed of stronger vortices, it may transport the portion of the fluid that is within, or adjacent to, its own structure along with it as if it were a solid mass, and therefore also push aside the surrounding fluid as it passes.   [Please select]


A small secondary center of Jewish aggregation appears upon our map to be manifested about Frankfort.   [Please select]


The jolliest aggregation of red-blooded, open-handed, hustle-em-up good fellows in the world.   [Please select]


So the "outfit," as the aggregation at a ranch is called, was quite a happy family.   [Please select]


Above this aggregation, as over others, hung a lettered sign.   [Please select]


France was simple an aggregation of independent and mutually hostile dukedoms.   [Please select]


Europe consists of the densest aggregation of population in the history of the world.   [Please select]


I suspect it is all brought about as naturally as any other aggregation of animals.   [Please select]


Like the wall of a city, it has usually been erected, not to be a receptacle for such edifices as might afterwards spring up, but to circumscribe an aggregation already in existence.   [Please select]

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aggregating - aggregation - aggregations