Sentence example with the word 'aggregating'


Last update: August 30, 2015


In 1919 and 1920 Community Chests were organized, and sums aggregating $4,000,000 and $4,500,000 were subscribed in " drives," to meet the needs of all community activities, not only charities, but also Red Cross, Y.M.C.A.   [Please select]


This corporation now owned and controlled stage lines aggregating thirty-three hundred miles.   [Please select]


More than five hundred freight trains, aggregating about twenty thousand cars, arrive and depart daily.   [Please select]


In southern California there are occasional showers during the winter months, aggregating ten or twenty inches.   [Please select]


On account of the soft-coal fields and the steel manufacture in western Pennsylvania, the commerce of the Ohio River is very heavy, aggregating not far from fifteen million tons yearly.   [Please select]


MirĂ³ had other agents besides McGillivray--who, by the way, was costing Spain, for his own services and those of four tribes aggregating over 261 six thousand warriors, a sum of fifty-five thousand dollars a year.   [Please select]

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aggregates - aggregating - aggregation