Sentence example with the word 'agglomerate'


Definition adj. clustered together but not coherent

Last update: September 25, 2015


Recent limestones are being produced in this way and also in some places by the precipitation of calcium carbonate by sodium or ammonium carbonate which has been carried into the sea or formed by organisms. The precipitated carbonate may agglomerate on mineral or organic grains which serve as nuclei, or it may form a sheet of hard deposit on the bottom as occurs in the Red Sea, off Florida, and round many coral islands in the Pacific. Only the sand and the finest-grained sediments of the shore zone are carried outwards over the continental shelf by the tides or by the reaction-currents along the bottom set up by on-shore winds.   [Please select]


It was an agglomerate, a horde, not an army, and nobody but he could have wielded it.   [Please select]


As discoveries were gathered in, either one by one, or in groups resulting from the continued prosecution of some uniform course of inquiry, the truths which were successively brought into store cohered and became agglomerated according to their individual affinities.   [Please select]


These beetles worm their way into the wood, making often long tunnels, feeding as they work, and leaving their _ejecta_ in the shape of agglomerated sawdust.   [Please select]


Agglomerate: heaped or massed together.   [Please select]

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aggie - agglomerate - agglomerated