Sentence example with the word 'ageing'


Definition adj. growing old

Last update: October 1, 2015


In the construction of such an instrument it is essential that the wire should be subjected to a process of preparation or " ageing," which consists in passing through it a fairly strong current, at least the maximum that it will ever have to carry, and starting and stopping this current frequently.   [Please select]


Only a few middle-aged and ageing people in France had had any practical experience of warfare.   [Please select]


Besides ageing immensely, I'm also getting frightfully modern, you see.'   [Please select]


It has been written: "Her mother was ageing rapidly."   [Please select]


She lay in bed half the morning, dawdled over her breakfast, and trailed her way from place to place, ageing too, with marvellous celerity.   [Please select]


Soaps for shaving made in this manner are very unsatisfactory, as they do not produce a sufficiently thick or lasting lather and discolor very materially upon ageing.   [Please select]

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agaze - ageing - ageless