Sentence example with the word 'aerate'


aerify, airify, cream, etherize, foam, fumigate, mantle, refresh, spume, suds, whisk

Definition v. expose to fresh air

Last update: August 17, 2015


Many of todays aerated drinks give a fizz like sensation to your tongue.   [verb]


First of all we needed to aerate the lawn and we tested a variety of aerators.   [verb]


Aerate the lawn with a hand fork or special turf aerator.   [verb]


Hackney cars, cabs, delivery waggons, mailvans, private broughams, aerated mineral water floats with rattling crates of bottles, rattled, rolled, horsedrawn, rapidly.   [verb]


The agitation must not be too vigorous or lengthy, or the soap will become aerated.   [Please select]


They are not true gills, however, as the blood is not aerated in them.   [Please select]


** Aerating Water in a Small Tank [241] A simple way of producing air pressure sufficient to aerate water is by the use of a siphon as shown in Fig.   [Please select]


Let us add that, in aerated water, the luminousness continues as brilliant as in the free air, but that it is extinguished in water deprived of its air by boiling.   [Please select]

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aepyornis - aerate - aerated