Sentence example with the word 'adverting'


Last update: October 23, 2015


While these writings were generally intelligible, and therefore of the greatest didactic importance, the principle of homogeneity, first enunciated by Vieta, was so far in advance of his times that most readers seem to have passed it over without adverting to its value.   [Please select]


Adverting to the feathered tribes which have been observed in this neighbourhood, Mr.   [Please select]


Adverting, in the next place, to the iron-works at Park End, the Reverend H.   [Please select]


We are consequently in great danger of adverting to a portion only of the causes which are actually at work.   [Please select]


In closing this brief account of the gold-fields of New Caledonia, we cannot avoid adverting to the great event which, has been, we may say, contemporaneous with these discoveries--the laying down of the Atlantic telegraph.   [Please select]

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advertence - adverting - advertise