Sentence example with the word 'adjudges'


Last update: August 31, 2015


The terms of the judgment on a further claim are as follows: " The Court considers and adjudges that the lord mayor has by usage a right, subject to His Majesty's pleasure, to attend the Abbey during the coronation and bear the crystal mace."   [Please select]


Giant who tests champions, 199-203; adjudges Cuchulain Champion of Heroes of all Ireland, 203 UBBE (ub-bĕ).   [Please select]


Hussey, the Quaker, wrote the Board to whom McCormick's application for an extension had been referred, and from his letter I quote: "In view of all these facts, I feel justified in asking your Honorable Board a decision, which, while it adjudges McCormick's machine according to its merits, will not be prejudicial to my interests, seeing that Mr."   [Please select]

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adjudged - adjudges - adjudging