Sentence example with the word 'adjournment'


Definition n. the termination of a meeting

Last update: June 24, 2015


We were granted a short adjournment by the chairman of the committee.   [Please select]


In the debate abolishing the court of wards he spoke, like most landed proprietors, in favour of laying the burden on the excise instead of on the land, and on the question of the restoration of the bishops carried in the interests of the court an adjournment of the debate for three months.   [Please select]


Immediately after the morning adjournment, Green came up to Peter.   [Please select]


It was Jasper Kimber who had launched the questions, who moved the motion for adjournment.   [Please select]


This was on the 12th November, 1728, by adjournment, at the Speech House, before Maynard Colchester, Esq.   [Please select]


"Now, my lady, having received these cordial congratulations, I move an adjournment."   [Please select]


A fine could be imposed for absence, or for leaving the assembly before adjournment.   [Please select]


After adjournment that evening many of the Van Buren delegates were summoned to a conference.   [Please select]


The exercises at the Capitol were purely formal, preliminary to a speedy adjournment of Congress.   [Please select]


Following a brief chat, he proposed an adjournment to a neighboring saloon bar; and there, over cocktails, he conversed with Mr.   [Please select]


Benton of Missouri, with many compliments to General Hayne, and apparently willing the Senate should have all the leisure necessary to consider and feel the effects of his speech, moved an adjournment; Mr.   [Please select]

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adjourning - adjournment - adjournments