Sentence example with the word 'adders'


Last update: October 2, 2015


On Jamestown strand they beheld sixty skeletons "who had eaten all the quick things that weare there, and some of them had eaten snakes and adders."   [Please select]


And these skeletons eating snakes and adders were all that remained of that company; all those others had died miserably and their hopes were ashes with them.   [Please select]


And as he went the blood drops fell to the earth from the Gorgon's head, and became poisonous asps and adders, which breed in the desert to this day.   [Please select]


I touch the common centre of both with my wand, and red flames, like adders' tongues, leap from the earth.   [Please select]


"No Serpent of parch'd Afric's breed doth Ranker poison bear The drowsy Adder will as soon unlock his Sullen Ear "Unmov'd by good Advice, and dead As Adders they remain From whom the skilful Charmer's voice can no attention gain.   [Please select]


Besides these there were the puff-adders, which were very dangerous; and several vipers, as well as many other kinds which were comparatively harmless.   [Please select]

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adder - adders - addict