Sentence example with the word 'acrostic'


abuse of terms, amphiboly, back formation, compound, corruption, endocentric compound, exocentric compound, logogram, metagram, paronomasia, pun, tatpurusha

Definition n. a puzzle where you fill a square grid with words reading the same down as across

Last update: August 15, 2015


I haven't come across any acrostics yet.   [Please select]


This book is worthy of note on account of the quaint and sarcastic humour of its numerous acrostic verses.   [Please select]


He has sent me an acrostic for my keepsake that--that--" "That I could not have written had I tried till doomsday," finished Fairfax Cary."   [Please select]


_ Another bit of personal verse in my scrap-book is suggested by the reference to Morgan Bates in the letter of September 12th in the form of an acrostic to Clara Doty Bates, his wife.   [Please select]


What acrostic upon the abbreviation of his first name had he (kinetic poet) sent to Miss Marion (Molly) Tweedy on the 14 February 1888.   [Please select]


A work of art is nothing if not _artful_: like an acrostic, the more different ways it can be read--up, down, across, from right to left and from left to right--the better it is, other things being equal.   [Please select]


As a novelty, the following acrostic is presented.   [Please select]


When not in form nor engaged in one or other of these functions, he retired to a faded study and struggled with the weekly acrostic in "Vanity Fair."   [Please select]

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across - acrostic - acrostics