Sentence example with the word 'acidulous'


acerb, acid, astringent, corroding, embittered, keen, poignant, rigorous, sore, stringent, violent

Definition adj. being sour to the taste

Last update: June 19, 2015


She has an acidulous tone in her speech.   [Please select]


I have therefore no acidulous effeminacy to pour upon these German Schläger bouts.   [Please select]


"Look here, Sey," he remarked, in an acidulous tone, "recollect, you're my brother-in-law."'   [Please select]


We are all apt enough to become womanish, agitated, or acidulous, according to age and condition, when we are reaping in security the fields cleared, enriched, and planted by a hardy ancestry of pioneers.   [Please select]


The customer, an acidulous, sharp-featured, showily dressed person--the sort, Gabriella decided, who would enjoy haggling over a bargain--regarded the offered hat with a supercilious and guarded manner, the true manner of the haggler.   [Please select]

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acidulating - acidulous - acini