Sentence example with the word 'acclimatization'


Definition n. adaptation to a new climate

Last update: July 17, 2018


Acclimatization, indeed, had played a chief part in the settlement of New Zealand.   [Please select]


An attempt in 1922 at acclimatization in Michigan “ended in total failure” (Seton, 1929, +3+: 93).   [Please select]


All the processes of uprooting, transportation, replanting, acclimatization, and development took place in my own soul.   [Please select]


They seem to be immune to most of the pests and do not require as much in the way of acclimatization.   [Please select]


In some cases he is unable to accustom himself to the change, but in many instances the acclimatization follows rapidly and leaves the individual well fortified against the dangers of excessive heat.   [Please select]

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