Sentence example with the word 'acarus'


Definition n. any of several mites of the order Acarina

Last update: July 6, 2015


A species of Acarus is recorded as infesting a store of powdered strychnine and feeding on that drug, so poisonous to larger organisms. Reference to literature (40).   [Please select]


Closely allied to the preceding, is the Cheese mite (Acarus siro Linn.)   [Please select]


Acarus farinæ DeGeer, as its name indicates, is found in flour.   [Please select]


Scheuten, is allied to Acarus, and lives under the epidermis of the leaves of the pear in Europe (while Mr.)   [Please select]


I have had the good fortune to observe the different stages of a bird mite, intermediate in its form between the Acarus and Sarcoptes, or Itch mite.   [Please select]

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