Sentence example with the word 'abstemiousness'


Definition n. restricted to bare necessities

Last update: August 11, 2015


The reader will perceive that I am treating the subject rather from an economic than a dietetic point of view, and he will not venture to put my abstemiousness to the test unless he has a well-stocked larder.   [Please select]


This is my first surprise: the extreme abstemiousness of these fiercely-armed insects.   [Please select]


He retained his powers by great abstemiousness, living chiefly on figs, honey, and bread.   [Please select]


Of true Puritan abstemiousness, his only indulgence was chewing tobacco.   [Please select]


"You have referred to your recent lapse from abstemiousness."   [Please select]


He was a tight, wiry little animal, that could live upon mezquite beans or maguey leaves for an indefinite time; and his abstemiousness was often put to the test.   [Please select]


My confounded abstemiousness is therefore to blame, that I can no longer enjoy a place at the best table in all Egypt.   [Please select]

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abstemiously - abstemiousness - abstention