Definitionadv. at right angles to the length of a ship or airplane
Last update: October 14, 2015
Edith Shipton, all abeam, took the Deans aside to tell them how thrilled she was with her son Donnie's blossoming relationship with his father. [Please select]
If that were our present course, we should have the North Star abeam, out yonder. [Please select]
And he flung out an arm towards a point of light in the heavens straight abeam. [Please select]
South West Head was abeam then and Steve half-heartedly offered to run to shelter. [Please select]
Did they attempt to make it, we could haul after them with the wind abeam, and overtake them before they had covered an eighth of the distance. [Please select]
And the rocks were close abeam, Plank--very close--when she spoke to me over the wires, through the rain, that dark day in March. [Please select]
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