Sentence example with the word 'abaft'


Definition adv. at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane

Last update: October 27, 2015


Thus the part of B caused by the permanent magnetism of hard iron must be corrected by permanent magnets horizontally placed in a fore and aft direction; the other part caused by vertical soft iron by means of bars of vertical soft iron, called Flinders bars, before or abaft the compass.   [Please select]


The second class passengers occupy the main cabin and the deck abaft the wheels.   [Please select]


I understand that you sailed from New York rather short-handed abaft the mainmast.   [Please select]


The wind was fair abaft, and they made good way.   [adverb]


Abaft the wheels there were a saloon and two staterooms.   [Please select]


The commander went to his cabin, and Scott walked aft to the compass abaft the mainmast.   [Please select]


Abaft of that is the after cabin that we use as a dining room.   [Please select]


The skipper followed, with clumsy expertness bringing the dory's painter with him and hitching it to a ring-bolt abaft the rudder-head.   [Please select]


At the end of another five minutes, Christy saw Mulgrum come from abaft the mainmast, and descend the ladder to the galley.   [Please select]

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abacus - abaft - abalone