Definition of word 'wed'

  • adj. having been taken in marriage
  • n. the fourth day of the week
  • v. take in marriage
  • v. perform a marriage ceremony

Synonyms of the word 'wed'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'wed'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'wed'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
ax dewax 16
aj ajwed 16
ej ejwed 16
jo jowed 16
ax waxed 16
ak waked 13
gy wedgy 13
ah ahwed 12
eh ehwed 12
ov ovwed 12
av waved 12
ey weydy 12
fi wfied 12
iv wived 12
ow owwed 12
ly wlyed 12
ty wtyed 12
ay aywed 12
oy oywed 12
be bedew 11
bo bowed 11
ac acwed 11
co cowed 11
be dwbeb 11
am amwed 11
em emwed 11
mo mowed 11
ap apwed 11
ip wiped 11
ad adwed 10
de dewed 10
do dowed 10
ad waded 10
ag waged 10
eg wedge 10
go wgdoe 10
an awned 9
an dawen 9
an dewan 9
ar dewar 9
lo dlweo 9
or dower 9
io diwoe 9
os dowse 9
ll dwell 9
lt dwelt 9
in dwine 9
no endow 9
al alwed 9
lo lowed 9
no nwoed 9
er erwed 9
or orwed 9
as aswed 9
es eswed 9
os oswed 9
es ewsde 9
at atwed 9
et etwed 9
ot otwed 9
et ewted 9
nu nuwed 9
ar wader 9
as wades 9
al waled 9
an waned 9
ar wared 9
al weald 9
el wedll 9
es wesds 9
ir weird 9
ls welds 9
ns wends 9
in widen 9
ir wider 9
is wides 9
il wield 9
il wiled 9
in wined 9
ir wired 9
is wised 9
it wited 9
oo wooed 9
ir wired 9

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
y dewy 11
a awed 8
s dews 8
r drew 8
l lewd 8
o owed 8
a wade 8
s weds 8
e weed 8
l weld 8
n wend 8
i wide 8

5 words found for letters 'DEW'

3 letter words

Anagrams of the word wed, words consist of 'DEW'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
dew 7 7
wed 7 7

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'wed'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
we 5 5
de 3 3
ed 3 3

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