Definition of word 'tines'

Showing definition for 'tine'
  • n. prong on a fork or pitchfork or antler

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'tines'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'tines'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
hz henitzs 19
jy jitneys 17
gz gestinz 17
cj incejts 16
qu inquest 16
qu quintes 16
az azniest 16
az aeztins 16
gj gestinj 15
ax antisex 14
ax seatxin 14
ex sietxen 14
ox toxines 14
fh fishnet 13
kp kinpest 13
ff stiffen 13
hw hwitens 13
wy witneys 13
cy cystein 12
cy cystine 12
ch etcnihs 12
bh benhits 12
cf incefts 12
pw inspewt 12
dk dinkest 12
ch stcenih 12
dy density 11
dy destiny 11
mp emptins 11
cp incepts 11
ik inkiest 11
cp inscept 11
ak intakes 11
kt kittens 11
kl kentisl 11
gh nighest 11
cp ceptins 11
kr kernits 11
pp snippet 11
gw steginw 11
kr stinker 11
kr tinkers 11
kl tinkles 11
gw tginwes 11
gv gestinv 11
gw gestinw 11
bg besting 10
dp dipnets 10
tw entwist 10
ho ethions 10
af afinest 10
fi finites 10
fs fitness 10
hr hinters 10
ho histone 10
fs infests 10
nv invents 10
rv inrevts 10
sv insevts 10
iv invites 10
dm dinmset 10
dm distenm 10
av naivest 10
av natives 10
fi nfities 10
ah saeithn 10
hs hitsens 10
fr snifter 10
ah staenih 10
dp stidenp 10
rv striven 10
ey seynite 10
aw tawnies 10
ty tensiyy 10
ev tensive 10
eh tehines 10
ow townies 10
rw trinews 10
tw twinset 10
av avinest 10
iv ivniest 10
aw awniest 10
iw iwniest 10
rw rintews 10
lw lintwes 10
sw siwents 10
sw sitnews 10
ac acetins 9
ab abnties 9
ab absinet 9
bo boniest 9
ac ainecst 9
cr cistern 9
cl clients 9
cr cretins 9
dd distend 9
em emetins 9
ce cntiees 9
am etamins 9
cs incests 9
ci cniites 9
am inamtes 9
cs incests 9
ps inptess 9
cl celtins 9
mo mestino 9
mr minster 9
mr minters 9
mu minuets 9
mu minutes 9
ms missent 9
mu mistune 9
mt mittens 9
mo moisten 9
mu mutines 9
dg nidgets 9
co nctioes 9
ap apnties 9
ap aptines 9
ip ipniest 9
ip ipnites 9
lp lintpes 9
op ointpes 9
lp lpenist 9
op opintes 9
pr pterins 9
pu puniest 9
pu punties 9
mr merints 9
ap sapient 9
co section 9
mo sentimo 9
mt smitten 9
ap sainpte 9
ps psinets 9
cl stencil 9
bi stbiine 9
am tameins 9
np tenpins 9
ip tiepins 9
dl dentils 8
dn dentins 8
dt dentist 8
ad aestdin 8
de destine 8
ad aetdins 8
ds dissent 8
dt distent 8
du dunites 8
ag easting 8
ag eatings 8
de dneites 8
gl glisten 8
gu gunites 8
gi ginites 8
dn idnents 8
di dniites 8
ag inagtes 8
ag inaestg 8
gs ingests 8
ad instead 8
dn idtends 8
gn gesting 8
gr gestinr 8
ad sainted 8
ag seating 8
gt segting 8
gs gisnets 8
gl singlet 8
ds dnisest 8
ad stained 8
gr stinger 8
dt sdinted 8
ag teasing 8
gn tegsing 8
gt gesting 8
dr tinders 8
di tdneids 8
gl tingles 8
ar anestri 7
ar antsier 7
ao atonies 7
au aunties 7
al ealstin 7
ls enlists 7
al entails 7
aa entasia 7
as entasis 7
er entires 7
lo entlios 7
er entries 7
rs ertsins 7
ae atesian 7
an iannest 7
io inosite 7
rs inrests 7
at insatte 7
en ietnnse 7
nt intents 7
nr interns 7
in intines 7
no intones 7
ai asitine 7
oo isotone 7
ll lentils 7
il ilniest 7
ln linnets 7
ll lintels 7
lr linters 7
el eislnte 7
ls listens 7
lu luniest 7
lu luteins 7
al nailset 7
ar nastier 7
as nasties 7
or norites 7
os nosiest 7
ru nrtsieu 7
or oestrin 7
or orients 7
ar artines 7
ar aetrins 7
ar aetinrs 7
er ertines 7
rt retints 7
ar aetsinr 7
al salient 7
al saltine 7
at satinet 7
ns nesnits 7
as aestina 7
es esstine 7
el setline 7
ei seinite 7
ls lisents 7
rs rintess 7
au sinaute 7
al salinte 7
ar stainer 7
an stanine 7
ar stearin 7
rt srinter 7
or stonier 7
aa taenias 7
as tansies 7
al tenails 7
en tennies 7
nt netnist 7
el tensile 7
no tension 7
it itniest 7
nr tinrers 7
ls tinless 7
rt rinters 7
as tiasnes 7
ot otniest 7
er teirnes 7
ru triunes 7
nu tnunies 7
ru rniteus 7
iu inuties 7
lu ltensiu 7

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
f feints 9
f finest 9
f infest 9
v invest 9
h theins 9
w twines 9
w wisent 9
c incest 8
c insect 8
p instep 8
c nicest 8
p spinet 8
g ingest 7
g signet 7
d teinds 7
g tinges 7
l elints 6
l enlist 6
r estrin 6
r inerts 6
l inlets 6
r insert 6
s insets 6
r inters 6
l listen 6
r niters 6
r nitres 6
i seniti 6
n sennit 6
l silent 6
r sinter 6
t sitten 6
s steins 6
a tenias 6
n tennis 6
u tenuis 6
a tineas 6
l tinsel 6
a tisane 6
r triens 6
r trines 6
u unites 6
u unties 6

41 words found for letters 'EINST'

5 letter words

Anagrams of the word tines, words consist of 'EINST'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
inset 5 6
neist 5 6
nites 5 6
senti 5 6
stein 5 6
tines 5 6

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'tines'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
sine 4 5
nite 4 5
tine 4 5
site 4 4
ties 4 4
nest 4 5
nets 4 5
sent 4 5
tens 4 5
nits 4 5
snit 4 5
tins 4 5

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'tines'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
sei 3 3
tie 3 3
ens 3 4
sen 3 4
net 3 4
ten 3 4
set 3 3
ins 3 4
sin 3 4
nit 3 4
tin 3 4
its 3 3
sit 3 3
tis 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'tines'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
en 2 3
ne 2 3
es 2 2
et 2 2
in 2 3
is 2 2
si 2 2
it 2 2
ti 2 2

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