Definition of word 'tangle'

  • n. a twisted and tangled mass that is highly interwoven
  • n. something jumbled or confused
  • v. force into some kind of situation
  • v. tangle or complicate
  • v. disarrange or rumple
  • v. twist together or entwine into a confusing mass

Synonyms of the word 'tangle'

Antonyms of the word 'tangle'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'tangle'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'tangle'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
iz teailzng 18
ix eialtxng 16
ik gnatlike 13
dw tdanglew 13
hi atheling 12
gp egpplant 12
rw tranglew 12
sw tsanglew 12
iv ialetvng 12
bi bleating 11
ci cleating 11
op gantlope 11
mu gmnuetal 11
im ligament 11
im ietalmng 11
co cotangle 11
np nlapgent 11
ip ileatpng 11
bi tangbile 11
im tegimnal 11
di delating 10
gi gelating 10
gi legating 10
ai agential 9
ir aleitrng 9
ai alginate 9
ir alteirng 9
au angulate 9
ar argental 9
eo elongate 9
en entangle 9
ei galenite 9
st ganslets 9
in gaitlnne 9
tu gatnulet 9
ei gelatine 9
is gelatins 9
io gelation 9
ls gelsants 9
is genitals 9
ir integral 9
su langsetu 9
in lateinng 9
ei legatine 9
io legation 9
er ergental 9
ir ielatrng 9
is itealsng 9
rs rtsangle 9
os tangelos 9
rs tanglers 9
ir tanglier 9
ir tirangle 9
uu ungulate 9
nu nutangle 9

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
w twangle 11
d tangled 9
i atingle 8
i elating 8
e elegant 8
t gantlet 8
s gelants 8
i gelatin 8
l gellant 8
i genital 8
u languet 8
o tangelo 8
r tangler 8
s tangles 8

76 words found for letters 'AEGLNT'

6 letter words

Anagrams of the word tangle, words consist of 'AEGLNT'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
gelant 7 10
tangle 7 10

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'tangle'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
angel 6 9
angle 6 9
glean 6 9
aglet 6 8
agent 6 8
laten 5 7
leant 5 7

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'tangle'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
egal 5 7
gale 5 7
gaen 5 7
gane 5 7
gate 5 6
geta 5 6
lang 5 8
gnat 5 7
tang 5 7
glen 5 8
gelt 5 7
gent 5 7
elan 4 6
lane 4 6
lean 4 6
late 4 5
tael 4 5
tale 4 5
teal 4 5
tela 4 5
ante 4 5
etna 4 5
neat 4 5
lent 4 6

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'tangle'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
age 4 5
gae 4 5
gal 4 6
lag 4 6
gan 4 6
nag 4 6
gat 4 5
tag 4 5
gel 4 6
leg 4 6
eng 4 6
gen 4 6
get 4 5
teg 4 5
ale 3 4
lea 3 4
ane 3 4
nae 3 4
ate 3 3
eat 3 3
eta 3 3
tae 3 3
tea 3 3
alt 3 4
lat 3 4
ant 3 4
tan 3 4
let 3 4
tel 3 4
net 3 4
ten 3 4

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'tangle'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ag 3 4
ae 2 2
al 2 3
la 2 3
an 2 3
na 2 3
at 2 2
ta 2 2
el 2 3
en 2 3
ne 2 3
et 2 2

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