Definition of word 'send'

  • v. cause to go somewhere
  • v. to cause or order to be taken
  • v. cause to be directed or transmitted to another place
  • v. transport commercially
  • v. assign to a station
  • v. transfer
  • v. cause to be admitted
  • v. broadcast over the airwaves

Synonyms of the word 'send'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'send'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'send'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
iz dizens 16
oz dozens 16
by bendys 12
cy scnyed 12
ko kendos 11
ak anekds 11
ak snaked 11
av davens 10
ov deovns 10
aw deawns 10
ov dovens 10
oy doyens 10
iw diwnes 10
ly dlneys 10
ow endows 10
fi fiends 10
ho nhsoed 10
hs hsends 10
hi shined 10
aw snawed 10
ow snowed 10
uw sundew 10
ty stndey 10
hu hnsued 10
iw iwdens 10
am amends 9
ac ascend 9
bl blends 9
ce censed 9
co codens 9
ac dances 9
mo demons 9
im denims 9
am desamn 9
cu dcnues 9
em emends 9
am aenmds 9
em emnsed 9
mo mondes 9
cs csends 9
co second 9
cu secund 9
pu sendpu 9
ip sniped 9
ps psends 9
ip sipned 9
pu puends 9
pu pusend 9
ad aedans 8
gi degins 8
ad aesdnd 8
gi desgin 8
gi dgnies 8
gu ngdues 8
ad sadden 8
ad sanded 8
de sdneed 8
gi sgined 8
gi sgnied 8
do sdoden 8
du sduden 8
ao anodes 7
ei denies 7
er densrr 7
ei deines 7
ir diners 7
eo denoes 7
io dinsoe 7
or dornes 7
al ealnds 7
er endrrs 7
eu endues 7
eu ensued 7
ii indies 7
iu indues 7
ii inside 7
al aldens 7
el elnsed 7
lo lodens 7
al naleds 7
et nested 7
oo nodose 7
io niosed 7
oo noosed 7
tu ntdesu 7
iu nidues 7
ru nrused 7
oo odeons 7
io insode 7
ar aedrns 7
or oedrns 7
er ersend 7
ir irnsed 7
ai sained 7
ar sander 7
as aedsns 7
ei seined 7
al sendal 7
er sendrr 7
es esnsed 7
in sinned 7
ar snared 7
ir snider 7
or snored 7
or sonder 7
os osndes 7
or sorned 7
at satned 7
ot sotned 7
au sandue 7
ru srndeu 7
nu snuned 7
it ietnds 7
et etnsed 7
rt rtends 7
iu indues 7
ou ondues 7
uu unused 7

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
y dynes 9
f fends 9
h shend 9
v vends 9
w wends 9
b bends 8
m mends 8
p pends 8
c scend 8
p spend 8
a deans 6
e denes 6
e dense 6
t dents 6
i dines 6
u dunes 6
l lends 6
e needs 6
r nerds 6
i nides 6
o nodes 6
o nosed 6
u nudes 6
r rends 6
a saned 6
a sedan 6
s sends 6
s sneds 6
i snide 6
o sonde 6
t tends 6

13 words found for letters 'DENS'

4 letter words

Anagrams of the word send, words consist of 'DENS'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
dens 5 6
ends 5 6
send 5 6
sned 5 6

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'send'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
den 4 5
end 4 5
ens 3 4
sen 3 4

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'send'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
de 3 3
ed 3 3
en 2 3
ne 2 3
es 2 2

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