Definition of word 'say'

  • n. the chance to speak
  • v. express in words
  • v. report or maintain
  • v. express a supposition
  • v. have or contain a certain wording or form
  • v. give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
  • v. speak
  • v. communicate or express nonverbally
  • v. utter aloud
  • v. state as one's opinion or judgement
  • v. recite or repeat a fixed text
  • v. indicate

Synonyms of the word 'say'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'say'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'say'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
qu quays 17
kk kyaks 16
hk shaky 15
ck casky 14
vv savvy 14
hw haswy 14
ck yacks 14
ff yaffs 14
ch chays 13
hm hasmy 13
mw smawy 13
pw paswy 13
pw yapws 13
bm abysm 12
cc cycas 12
cm cymas 12
dh dashy 12
gw gawsy 12
ko kayos 12
kr kyars 12
kt kyats 12
ko koays 12
pp sappy 12
kr sakry 12
dh sdahy 12
kn skany 12
cp scapy 12
kn yakns 12
ah ayhhs 11
fl flays 11
fr frays 11
ht hasty 11
ho hoyas 11
hl hylas 11
fo foays 11
ov saovy 11
hl shaly 11
hs hsays 11
sw sways 11
lv sylva 11
tv tasvy 11
lw yalws 11
nw yanws 11
be abyes 10
bs abyss 10
cl acyls 10
lm alyms 10
bs bassy 10
br brays 10
cl clays 10
cn cyans 10
dd dyads 10
ms massy 10
am amyas 10
mo mayos 10
mt mayst 10
mn mynas 10
lp lapsy 10
np napsy 10
pt pasty 10
pt patsy 10
lp lpays 10
pr prays 10
pr pasry 10
gg saggy 10
cu sacuy 10
cl scaly 10
cr scary 10
em seamy 10
op soapy 10
ps psays 10
lp slpay 10
pr spray 10
pu yapus 10
cu ycuas 10
di daisy 9
dr drays 9
gs gassy 9
gr grays 9
dl sadly 9
dn sadny 9
di saydi 9
gt sgaty 9
gi yagis 9
gn yagns 9
dr yadrs 9
du yadus 9
go ygoas 9
gu yguas 9
nt antsy 8
rt artsy 8
lr alyrs 8
as assay 8
al asyla 8
in ayins 8
es essay 8
er eyras 8
el eyasl 8
ls lyssa 8
nt nasty 8
ar aryas 8
er ersay 8
ll sally 8
lt salty 8
ss sassy 8
at satay 8
rt saryt 8
ru saruy 8
er sayer 8
st saytt 8
lt slaty 8
ls lsays 8
os osyas 8
st stays 8
rt srtay 8
nt natsy 8
tt tasty 8
rt rtays 8
nu nusay 8
nr yanrs 8
en yeans 8
er years 8
et yeast 8
nu ynaus 8

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
j jays 14
k kays 11
k yaks 11
h ashy 10
f fays 10
h hays 10
h shay 10
w sway 10
w ways 10
w yaws 10
y yays 10
b abys 9
b bays 9
c cays 9
m mays 9
p pays 9
p pyas 9
p spay 9
m yams 9
p yaps 9
d days 8
g gays 8
g sagy 8
e ayes 7
e easy 7
e eyas 7
l lays 7
n nays 7
r rays 7
r ryas 7
s says 7
l slay 7
o soya 7
t stay 7
e yeas 7

5 words found for letters 'ASY'

3 letter words

Anagrams of the word say, words consist of 'ASY'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ays 6 5
say 6 5

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'say'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ay 5 4
ya 5 4
as 2 2

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