Definition of word 'mas'

Showing definition for 'ma'
  • n. informal terms for a mother
  • n. a master's degree in arts and sciences
  • n. one thousandth of an ampere
  • n. a state in New England

Synonyms of the word 'ma'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'mas'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'mas'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
bj bamjs 16
ez maezs 16
ez smaez 16
ex exams 14
ex maexs 14
ix maixs 14
ox moxas 14
ck macks 13
hy mashy 13
hw shawm 13
ck smack 13
wy swamy 13
hw hwams 13
by abysm 12
ch chams 12
ch chasm 12
cy cymas 12
ch machs 12
pw spamw 12
pv pamvs 12
ko amkos 11
cp camps 11
ek eamks 11
ek maeks 11
ko makos 11
kr makrs 11
ks makss 11
ek samek 11
cp scamp 11
ah amhhs 10
ly amlys 10
dp damps 10
ef eamfs 10
fr farms 10
fl flams 10
fo foams 10
bg bamgs 10
gp gamps 10
eh eahms 10
hl halms 10
eh eamhs 10
hr harms 10
hr mahsr 10
sy masyy 10
ht mahts 10
iv maivs 10
ay mayas 10
oy maoys 10
ty matsy 10
ny mnyas 10
ey seamy 10
eh seamh 10
hs hsams 10
hs hmash 10
iw siamw 10
rw srawm 10
ew eamws 10
uw uamws 10
rw rawms 10
ce acmes 9
bo ambos 9
mo amoos 9
bl balms 9
br barms 9
be beams 9
be bemas 9
bi bimas 9
bl blams 9
cl calms 9
ac acmas 9
ce cames 9
cl clams 9
co comas 9
cr crams 9
bi bamis 9
im imams 9
bl bamls 9
lp lamps 9
be mabes 9
ce maces 9
im iamms 9
lm lamms 9
am ammas 9
cr macrs 9
im imasm 9
ci mcias 9
cu mcsua 9
lp lapms 9
ip ipmas 9
lp lpasm 9
pr prams 9
lp lsapm 9
pu pumas 9
pr pamrs 9
ab samba 9
bo sambo 9
ps pamss 9
cs csams 9
cr scram 9
mr smarm 9
ps psasm 9
pt spamt 9
cu scmau 9
mu smuma 9
pt pamts 9
gi agism 8
ag agmas 8
di amdis 8
de dames 8
dn damns 8
dr drams 8
du dumas 8
ag agmas 8
eg eamgs 8
gu gaums 8
gr grams 8
eg maegs 8
gu magus 8
di madis 8
du madus 8
de mdaes 8
go goams 8
gu sagum 8
gi sgima 8
al almas 7
el aemls 7
lu alums 7
as amsss 7
en amens 7
ai amias 7
ei ameis 7
in amins 7
ir amirs 7
is amiss 7
eu amesu 7
ru arums 7
at atmas 7
ot aotms 7
al almas 7
el eamls 7
il ilmas 7
lo loams 7
ar marrs 7
il mails 7
in mains 7
ir mairs 7
it maist 7
el maels 7
ll malls 7
lt malts 7
an manas 7
en maens 7
no manos 7
en maesn 7
nu manus 7
er maers 7
lr malrs 7
er maesr 7
rt marts 7
er maser 7
no masno 7
as massa 7
es maese 7
st masts 7
et maets 7
tt matts 7
lu malus 7
tu matus 7
el meals 7
en means 7
et meats 7
en mensa 7
es mesas 7
in minas 7
no mnaos 7
ot moats 7
lo mloas 7
no mnoas 7
or moras 7
ru mruas 7
en eamns 7
en enmas 7
no nomas 7
ao amosa 7
ru ramus 7
er erams 7
or orams 7
il saiml 7
et saetm 7
es esams 7
ir simar 7
is ismas 7
ls lsams 7
ll small 7
lt smalt 7
rt smart 7
er smear 7
os osmas 7
et setam 7
ot sotma 7
et eamts 7
it iamts 7
et etams 7
rt rtams 7

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
j jams 13
k mask 10
h hams 9
h mash 9
w maws 9
y mays 9
h sham 9
w swam 9
y yams 9
p amps 8
b bams 8
c cams 8
c macs 8
p maps 8
p pams 8
p samp 8
c scam 8
d dams 7
g gams 7
d mads 7
g mags 7
i aims 6
l alms 6
a amas 6
i amis 6
u amus 6
r arms 6
l lams 6
e maes 6
n mans 6
r mars 6
s mass 6
t mast 6
t mats 6
e mesa 6
o moas 6
r rams 6
e same 6
e seam 6
i sima 6
l slam 6
o soma 6
t tams 6

4 words found for letters 'AMS'

3 letter words

Anagrams of the word mas, words consist of 'AMS'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
mas 5 6

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'mas'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
am 4 5
ma 4 5
as 2 2

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