Definition of word 'lineation'

  • n. the line that appears to bound an object
  • n. the act of marking or outlining with lines

Synonyms of the word 'lineation'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'lineation'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'lineation'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
az nationzlize 20
cd cedlination 14
rv inrentovial 14
fr feinrlation 14
tv tenvilation 14
im elimination 13
de delineation 12
as alienstions 11
rs inrestional 11
ns intessional 11
nt intentional 11
as nationslise 11

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
g toenailing 11
a alienation 10
s lineations 10

192 words found for letters 'AEIILNNOT'

9 letter words

Anagrams of the word lineation, words consist of 'AEIILNNOT'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
lineation 9 12

8 letter words

Words that can be created using 8 letters from the word 'lineation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
lenition 8 11

7 letter words

Words that can be created using 7 letters from the word 'lineation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
aniline 7 10
elation 7 9
toenail 7 9
enation 7 9
antlion 7 10
nitinol 7 10

6 letter words

Words that can be created using 6 letters from the word 'lineation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
eolian 6 8
entail 6 8
tenail 6 8
tineal 6 8
eonian 6 8
innate 6 8
etalon 6 8
tolane 6 8
anilin 6 9
latino 6 8
talion 6 8
anoint 6 8
nation 6 8
iolite 6 7
intine 6 8
linnet 6 9
entoil 6 8
intone 6 8

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'lineation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
alien 5 7
aline 5 7
anile 5 7
elain 5 7
liane 5 7
telia 5 6
inane 5 7
entia 5 6
tenia 5 6
tinea 5 6
alone 5 7
anole 5 7
laten 5 7
leant 5 7
anent 5 7
atone 5 6
oaten 5 6
aioli 5 6
litai 5 6
aloin 5 7
anion 5 7
notal 5 7
talon 5 7
tolan 5 7
tonal 5 7
linen 5 8
eloin 5 7
olein 5 7
elint 5 7
inlet 5 7
teloi 5 6
toile 5 6
lento 5 7
nonet 5 7
tenon 5 7
tonne 5 7
linin 5 8
inion 5 7
niton 5 7

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'lineation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ilea 4 5
elan 4 6
lane 4 6
lean 4 6
aloe 4 5
olea 4 5
late 4 5
tael 4 5
tale 4 5
teal 4 5
tela 4 5
aeon 4 5
ante 4 5
etna 4 5
neat 4 5
toea 4 4
ilia 4 5
inia 4 5
anil 4 6
lain 4 6
nail 4 6
alit 4 5
lati 4 5
tail 4 5
tali 4 5
naoi 4 5
anti 4 5
tain 4 5
iota 4 4
loan 4 6
alto 4 5
lota 4 5
tola 4 5
anon 4 6
nona 4 6
nota 4 5
lien 4 6
line 4 6
lite 4 5
tile 4 5
nine 4 6
nite 4 5
tine 4 5
enol 4 6
leno 4 6
lone 4 6
noel 4 6
lent 4 6
tole 4 5
neon 4 6
none 4 6
note 4 5
tone 4 5
inti 4 5
linn 4 7
lino 4 6
lion 4 6
loin 4 6
noil 4 6
lint 4 6
loti 4 5
toil 4 5
into 4 5

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'lineation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ale 3 4
lea 3 4
ane 3 4
nae 3 4
ate 3 3
eat 3 3
eta 3 3
tae 3 3
tea 3 3
ail 3 4
ain 3 4
ani 3 4
ait 3 3
alt 3 4
lat 3 4
nan 3 5
ant 3 4
tan 3 4
oat 3 3
tao 3 3
lei 3 4
lie 3 4
tie 3 3
ole 3 4
let 3 4
tel 3 4
eon 3 4
one 3 4
net 3 4
ten 3 4
toe 3 3
lin 3 5
nil 3 5
oil 3 4
lit 3 4
til 3 4
inn 3 5
ion 3 4
nit 3 4
tin 3 4
lot 3 4
not 3 4
ton 3 4

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'lineation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ae 2 2
ai 2 2
al 2 3
la 2 3
an 2 3
na 2 3
at 2 2
ta 2 2
el 2 3
en 2 3
ne 2 3
oe 2 2
et 2 2
li 2 3
in 2 3
it 2 2
ti 2 2
lo 2 3
no 2 3
on 2 3
to 2 2

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