Definition of word 'gars'

Showing definition for 'gar'
  • n. primitive predaceous North American fish covered with hard scales and having long jaws with needlelike teeth
  • n. elongate European surface-dwelling predacious fishes with long toothed jaws

Synonyms of the word 'gar'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'gars'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'gars'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
az gazars 16
ez gaezrs 16
ez graezs 16
ej eagjrs 14
aj ajgras 14
hp grahps 12
mp gramps 11
oy argosy 10
hi garhsi 10
ht garhts 10
eh gasehr 10
eh gerahs 10
ft grafts 10
sy grasyy 10
ev graevs 10
ey greasy 10
ey gerasy 10
uy sugary 10
ew seagwr 10
iv ivrgas 10
ew eagwrs 10
nw nrawgs 10
ey eagyrs 10
be barges 9
ce cagers 9
co cargos 9
ci cigars 9
em gaemrs 9
ep gaeprs 9
ep gasepr 9
ce graces 9
am gramas 9
ep graeps 9
ps grapss 9
em eargms 9
mo mrgaso 9
ep eagprs 9
ep eargps 9
op oargps 9
np nrapgs 9
cs csrags 9
ep seargp 9
ps psrags 9
np snrapg 9
eg aegers 8
go agoros 8
eg eggars 8
eg eagers 8
de grades 8
du gradus 8
dn gradns 8
du gdarus 8
ag saggar 8
eg saeger 8
eg seggar 8
ao agoras 7
ee agrees 7
ai agrias 7
lo algors 7
en aegnrs 7
al arglls 7
il argils 7
el argels 7
lo arglos 7
no argnos 7
ot argots 7
eu argeus 7
eu aegurs 7
uu augurs 7
ee eagers 7
ee eagres 7
es gaeser 7
et gasetr 7
ot gaotrs 7
il gialrs 7
el gearls 7
ln glarns 7
nr gnarrs 7
lo glraos 7
al gralls 7
il grails 7
in grains 7
nt grants 7
et graets 7
it graits 7
ee grease 7
et greats 7
no grnaos 7
ot groats 7
el eaglrs 7
el eargls 7
lo largos 7
no nraogs 7
no nrgaos 7
ee ragees 7
en raegns 7
in rasing 7
et retags 7
ou rogusa 7
ei sageir 7
an sangar 7
en saegnr 7
es eargss 7
no sarnog 7
eu saegur 7
et seagtr 7
nt snratg 7
su sugars 7
et eargts 7
tu tragus 7

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
f frags 9
y grays 9
b brags 8
c crags 8
b garbs 8
b grabs 8
m grams 8
p grasp 8
c scrag 8
p sprag 8
d drags 7
d grads 7
a agars 6
e agers 6
u argus 6
u gaurs 6
e gears 6
n gnars 6
n grans 6
s grass 6
u guars 6
a ragas 6
e rages 6
i ragis 6
e sager 6
e sarge 6
u sugar 6

11 words found for letters 'AGRS'

4 letter words

Anagrams of the word gars, words consist of 'AGRS'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
gars 5 6
rags 5 6

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'gars'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
gar 4 5
rag 4 5
gas 4 5
sag 4 5
ars 3 3
ras 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'gars'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ag 3 4
ar 2 2
as 2 2

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