Definition of word 'date'

  • n. the specified day of the month
  • n. a participant in a date
  • n. a meeting arranged in advance
  • n. a particular but unspecified point in time
  • n. the present
  • n. the particular day
  • n. a particular day specified as the time something happens
  • n. sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed
  • v. go on a date with
  • v. stamp with a date
  • v. assign a date to
  • v. date regularly
  • v. provide with a dateline

Synonyms of the word 'date'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'date'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'date'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
oz aozted 16
ix taixed 14
hy deathy 13
fh fahted 13
ck tacked 13
hw thawed 13
fw fawted 13
cv adcevt 12
bh bathed 12
ch detach 12
hp heptad 12
dw dawted 11
ks ksated 11
ks ktased 11
bb tabbed 11
kl takled 11
mp tamped 11
kn takned 11
pp tapped 11
ks taksed 11
nv adnevt 10
rv adrevt 10
fr dafter 10
hl dahetl 10
iv dative 10
iw daitwe 10
hr deahtr 10
hs deaths 10
fs defats 10
ef defeat 10
fr farted 10
fs fasted 10
ft fatted 10
hl halted 10
hn hanted 10
hs hasted 10
hr hatred 10
ht hatted 10
eh ehated 10
hl hatled 10
fr farted 10
sv staved 10
sy stayed 10
sy steady 10
sw taswed 10
hr thread 10
tv tavted 10
sw sadwet 10
iw iawted 10
nw nawted 10
rw rawted 10
sw sawted 10
ab abated 9
ps adepts 9
bi baited 9
bs basted 9
bt batted 9
bo boated 9
cn cadent 9
cs cadets 9
cn canted 9
cr carted 9
ct catted 9
co coated 9
cr crated 9
be dbeate 9
cn decant 9
ms demast 9
pr depart 9
mr dmeart 9
gg gadget 9
lm lamted 9
mr marted 9
ms masted 9
mt matted 9
em emated 9
mo moated 9
np napted 9
pr parted 9
ps pasted 9
pt patted 9
np nedapt 9
ep epdate 9
np neptad 9
pr petard 9
lp lpated 9
pr prated 9
cr cedart 9
bl tabled 9
bu tabued 9
gg tagged 9
cl tacled 9
mn tamden 9
em teamed 9
cr tcared 9
pu pudate 9
dr darted 8
du dauted 8
do doated 8
go dgtaoe 8
gi gaited 8
gs gasted 8
gr grated 8
gs gtased 8
gn tagned 8
go tgoaed 8
dr tdared 8
an adnate 7
ir airted 7
al alated 7
en aetned 7
nr andert 7
no atnoed 7
nt antend 7
ou aotued 7
rr darter 7
lr daltre 7
rs daters 7
iu daitue 7
el delate 7
ls deltas 7
ln deltan 7
er derate 7
rs derats 7
ls delast 7
il detail 7
in detain 7
il dilate 7
no dnoate 7
el elated 7
ei ediate 7
io iodate 7
ls lasted 7
or orated 7
nr narted 7
rt ratted 7
er erdate 7
rr retard 7
ls lasted 7
su sauted 7
es esated 7
es esdate 7
ls lsated 7
ss stades 7
ls ltased 7
ns ntased 7
rs rtased 7
st stated 7
ss steads 7
il tailed 7
nn tanned 7
rr tarred 7
rt ratted 7
st satted 7
tt tatted 7
tu tauted 7
er teared 7
es teased 7
et etated 7
rt retrad 7
ir tirade 7
rr trader 7
rs trades 7
rs treads 7
ss tsades 7

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
x taxed 13
h death 9
f defat 9
f fated 9
h hated 9
w tawed 9
c acted 8
p adept 8
b bated 8
c cadet 8
m mated 8
p pated 8
m tamed 8
p taped 8
d dated 7
g gated 7
n anted 6
r dater 6
s dates 6
l dealt 6
l delta 6
r derat 6
l lated 6
r rated 6
s sated 6
s stade 6
s stead 6
r tared 6
r trade 6
r tread 6
s tsade 6

15 words found for letters 'ADET'

4 letter words

Anagrams of the word date, words consist of 'ADET'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
date 5 5

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'date'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
tad 4 4
ted 4 4
ate 3 3
eat 3 3
eta 3 3
tae 3 3
tea 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'date'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ad 3 3
de 3 3
ed 3 3
ae 2 2
at 2 2
ta 2 2
et 2 2

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