Definition of word 'cultivation'

  • n. socialization through training and education to develop one's mind or manners
  • n. (agriculture) production of food by preparing the land to grow crops
  • n. a highly developed state of perfection
  • n. the process of fostering the growth of something
  • n. the act of raising or growing plants

Synonyms of the word 'cultivation'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'cultivation'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'cultivation'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
cg cogultivating 21
co cocultivation 20
rs voluntaristic 18

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
s cultivations 17

280 words found for letters 'ACIILNOTTUV'

11 letter words

Anagrams of the word cultivation, words consist of 'ACIILNOTTUV'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cultivation 16 21

9 letter words

Words that can be created using 9 letters from the word 'cultivation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
tuitional 9 12

8 letter words

Words that can be created using 8 letters from the word 'cultivation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
univocal 13 18
outcavil 13 17
volitant 11 14
citation 10 12
anticult 10 14

7 letter words

Words that can be created using 7 letters from the word 'cultivation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
vicinal 12 16
avionic 12 15
vincula 12 17
voltaic 12 15
victual 12 16
unvocal 12 17
uncivil 12 17
invital 10 13
volutin 10 14
titanic 9 11
inocula 9 13
lunatic 9 13
taction 9 11
auction 9 12
caution 9 12
litotic 9 11
linocut 9 13
nautili 7 10
outlain 7 10
tuition 7 9

6 letter words

Words that can be created using 6 letters from the word 'cultivation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
clivia 11 14
viatic 11 13
vicuna 11 15
volant 9 12
violin 9 12
italic 8 10
alnico 8 11
oilcan 8 11
catlin 8 11
tincal 8 11
uncial 8 12
citola 8 10
coital 8 10
action 8 10
atonic 8 10
cation 8 10
intact 8 10
tunica 8 11
octant 8 10
toucan 8 11
outact 8 10
otitic 8 9
uncoil 8 12
incult 8 12
toluic 8 11
titian 6 7
latino 6 8
talion 6 8
lattin 6 8
intuit 6 8

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'cultivation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cavil 10 13
clavi 10 13
vinca 10 13
vatic 10 12
vocal 10 13
civil 10 13
vinic 10 13
covin 10 13
anvil 8 11
nival 8 11
vinal 8 11
viola 8 10
voila 8 10
vital 8 10
avion 8 10
vitta 8 9
lovat 8 10
volta 8 10
vault 8 11
vaunt 8 11
volti 8 10
cilia 7 9
iliac 7 9
acini 7 9
linac 7 10
tical 7 9
aulic 7 10
actin 7 9
antic 7 9
uncia 7 10
coati 7 8
attic 7 8
tacit 7 8
octal 7 9
canto 7 9
cotan 7 9
octan 7 9
cotta 7 8
licit 7 9
ionic 7 9
colin 7 10
nicol 7 10
lotic 7 9
oculi 7 10
culti 7 10
ontic 7 9
tonic 7 9
tinct 7 9
cutin 7 10
tunic 7 10
clout 7 10
count 7 10
aioli 5 6
litai 5 6
aloin 5 7
atilt 5 6
taint 5 6
titan 5 6
notal 5 7
talon 5 7
tolan 5 7
tonal 5 7
total 5 6
tanto 5 6
taunt 5 7
unlit 5 8
until 5 8

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'cultivation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
vail 7 9
vial 7 9
vain 7 9
vina 7 9
vita 7 8
oval 7 9
ulva 7 10
nova 7 9
vatu 7 9
viol 7 9
vino 7 9
volt 7 9
laic 6 8
cain 6 8
ciao 6 7
clan 6 9
calo 6 8
coal 6 8
cola 6 8
loca 6 8
talc 6 8
caul 6 9
cant 6 8
coat 6 7
taco 6 7
tact 6 7
coil 6 8
loci 6 8
cion 6 8
coin 6 8
coni 6 8
icon 6 8
unci 6 9
otic 6 7
clon 6 9
clot 6 8
colt 6 8
cult 6 9
unco 6 9
cunt 6 9
ilia 4 5
inia 4 5
anil 4 6
lain 4 6
nail 4 6
alit 4 5
lati 4 5
tail 4 5
tali 4 5
naoi 4 5
anti 4 5
tain 4 5
unai 4 6
iota 4 4
loan 4 6
luna 4 7
ulan 4 7
ulna 4 7
alto 4 5
lota 4 5
tola 4 5
nota 4 5
aunt 4 6
tuna 4 6
auto 4 5
taut 4 5
inti 4 5
titi 4 4
lino 4 6
lion 4 6
loin 4 6
noil 4 6
lint 4 6
loti 4 5
toil 4 5
tilt 4 5
litu 4 6
into 4 5
tint 4 5
unit 4 6
toit 4 4
lunt 4 7
lout 4 6
tolu 4 6
unto 4 6
tout 4 5

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'cultivation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
vac 8 10
via 6 7
lav 6 8
van 6 8
avo 6 7
ova 6 7
tav 6 7
vat 6 7
vau 6 8
luv 6 9
lac 5 7
can 5 7
oca 5 6
act 5 6
cat 5 6
tic 5 6
col 5 7
con 5 7
cot 5 6
cut 5 7
ail 3 4
ain 3 4
ani 3 4
ait 3 3
alt 3 4
lat 3 4
ant 3 4
tan 3 4
oat 3 3
tao 3 3
att 3 3
tat 3 3
tau 3 4
uta 3 4
lin 3 5
nil 3 5
oil 3 4
lit 3 4
til 3 4
ion 3 4
nit 3 4
tin 3 4
tit 3 3
tui 3 4
lot 3 4
not 3 4
ton 3 4
nut 3 5
tun 3 5
tot 3 3
out 3 4
tut 3 4

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'cultivation'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ai 2 2
al 2 3
la 2 3
an 2 3
na 2 3
at 2 2
ta 2 2
li 2 3
in 2 3
it 2 2
ti 2 2
lo 2 3
no 2 3
on 2 3
nu 2 4
un 2 4
to 2 2
ut 2 3

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