Analysis of word 'cockneyfied'

217 words found for letters 'CCDEEFIKNOY'

11 letter words

Anagrams of the word cockneyfied, words consist of 'CCDEEFIKNOY'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cockneyfied 26 28

8 letter words

Words that can be created using 8 letters from the word 'cockneyfied'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cockeyed 20 21

7 letter words

Words that can be created using 7 letters from the word 'cockneyfied'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cockeye 18 19
cockney 18 20
decency 15 17
confide 13 15
ecocide 12 14
concede 12 15
codeine 10 12

6 letter words

Words that can be created using 6 letters from the word 'cockneyfied'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
dickey 16 16
yocked 16 16
cocked 15 17
codify 15 15
finked 14 15
knifed 14 15
dinkey 14 14
kidney 14 14
donkey 14 14
necked 13 15
nicked 13 15
conked 13 15
nocked 13 15
fenced 12 14
coifed 12 13
dioecy 12 12
oinked 11 12
define 10 11
foined 10 11
edenic 9 11
encode 9 11
codein 9 11
coined 9 11

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'cockneyfied'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cocky 16 17
dicky 15 15
conky 14 15
keyed 13 12
dikey 13 12
yoked 13 12
dinky 13 13
cynic 12 14
coked 12 13
deify 12 11
edify 12 11
knife 12 13
dicey 11 11
coyed 11 11
decoy 11 11
codec 10 12
fence 10 12
yince 10 11
coney 10 11
yonic 10 11
kneed 10 11
inked 10 11
kendo 10 11
conic 9 12
needy 9 9
fiend 9 10
fined 9 10
doyen 9 9
eikon 9 10
enoki 9 10
koine 9 10
deice 8 9
coden 8 10
coned 8 10
niece 7 9
diene 6 7
donee 6 7

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'cockneyfied'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
fyke 14 13
feck 13 14
icky 13 13
yock 13 13
cock 12 14
fyce 12 12
dyke 12 11
deck 11 12
dick 11 12
dock 11 12
defy 11 10
keef 11 11
kief 11 11
yoke 11 10
fink 11 12
inky 11 11
neck 10 12
coke 10 11
nick 10 12
conk 10 12
nock 10 12
fice 9 10
coif 9 10
fico 9 10
foci 9 10
cony 9 10
deke 9 9
eked 9 9
dike 9 9
dink 9 10
kind 9 10
feed 8 8
eyed 8 7
defi 8 8
fend 8 9
feod 8 8
deny 8 8
dyne 8 8
find 8 9
fido 8 8
fond 8 9
yond 8 8
keen 8 9
knee 8 9
kine 8 9
keno 8 9
ikon 8 9
kino 8 9
oink 8 9
cede 7 8
cedi 7 8
dice 7 8
iced 7 8
code 7 8
coed 7 8
deco 7 8
odic 7 8
eyen 7 7
eyne 7 7
fine 7 8
neif 7 8
fino 7 8
foin 7 8
info 7 8
yoni 7 7
cine 6 8
nice 6 8
cone 6 8
once 6 8
cion 6 8
coin 6 8
coni 6 8
icon 6 8
eide 5 5
dene 5 6
need 5 6
dine 5 6
nide 5 6
done 5 6
node 5 6
nodi 5 6

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'cockneyfied'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
kef 10 10
key 10 9
kif 10 10
yok 10 9
ick 9 10
fey 9 8
foy 9 8
icy 8 8
coy 8 8
kid 8 8
fed 7 7
dey 7 6
dye 7 6
fid 7 7
yid 7 6
yod 7 6
eke 7 7
ken 7 8
oke 7 7
ink 7 8
kin 7 8
koi 7 7
cod 6 7
doc 6 7
fee 6 6
eye 6 5
fie 6 6
fen 6 7
foe 6 6
yen 6 6
fin 6 7
fon 6 7
yin 6 6
yon 6 6
cee 5 6
ice 5 6
con 5 7
dee 4 4
die 4 4
den 4 5
end 4 5
doe 4 4
ode 4 4
din 4 5
don 4 5
nod 4 5
nee 3 4
eon 3 4
one 3 4
ion 3 4

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'cockneyfied'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ef 5 5
ye 5 4
if 5 5
of 5 5
oy 5 4
yo 5 4
de 3 3
ed 3 3
id 3 3
do 3 3
od 3 3
en 2 3
ne 2 3
oe 2 2
in 2 3
no 2 3
on 2 3

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