Analysis of word 'cire'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'cire'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'cire'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
vx cervix 18
qu cirque 17
oz cozier 17
kk kicker 16
ky crikey 15
ju juicer 15
ky rickey 15
kw kicwer 15
bk bicker 14
kp kicper 14
hp cerihp 13
ch chicer 13
hm chimer 13
hp cihper 13
dk dicker 13
py pricey 13
dk ricdek 13
ak cakier 12
dv cerdiv 12
dh cdiher 12
dh dreich 12
dh derhic 12
ks ickers 12
ik ickier 12
kl kicler 12
kn kicner 12
ks kicser 12
kt kicter 12
ah achier 11
ah cahier 11
hr chirre 11
ht cihter 11
ho choeir 11
ow cowier 11
ow cowrie 11
dm dermic 11
hn ehricn 11
af afrcie 11
fr ferric 11
af aifcre 11
ef eifrce 11
ho heroic 11
dp dricep 11
hn richen 11
hr hicrer 11
hs riches 11
sv scrive 11
ht htrice 11
ov ovicer 11
nw niwcer 11
ab caribe 10
cs cersis 10
mu cerimu 10
co cioero 10
cl cirlle 10
cl cleric 10
op copier 10
bo cbroie 10
ct cretic 10
ms crimes 10
ps cripes 10
mt metric 10
mn mincer 10
ep eipcer 10
ep eiprce 10
np nipcer 10
ps precis 10
pr pricer 10
ps prices 10
np nripce 10
ep recipe 10
bs bcrise 10
ps psicer 10
bt bertic 10
mu mreuic 10
ag cagier 9
ad caried 9
gn cerign 9
ds ciders 9
dn cidner 9
dl cderil 9
dt credit 9
gn crigne 9
de deicer 9
ds dicers 9
di dicier 9
dt direct 9
ds dcries 9
dt dricet 9
as caries 8
an carnie 8
el ceiler 8
as cerias 8
es cerise 8
et cerite 8
st cisert 8
lo clioer 8
no cnioer 8
or corrie 8
os cosier 8
nt crenit 8
rs criess 8
ss crises 8
su crsiue 8
au cariue 8
su csrieu 8
tu ctriue 8
ru crurie 8
al ecalir 8
as ericas 8
ot erotic 8
in irenic 8
al alcier 8
no nrceio 8
or orrice 8
ar arcier 8
et recite 8
lo reclio 8
no recnio 8
ls relics 8
lt relict 8
rs ricess 8
ss scries 8
ls lsicer 8
st steric 8
et eitrce 8
st sricet 8
tu treuic 8

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
x xeric 14
k icker 11
c cerci 9
c ceric 9
m crime 9
p cripe 9
p price 9
d cider 8
d cried 8
d dicer 8
d riced 8
a areic 7
a ceria 7
s cires 7
t citer 7
r crier 7
s cries 7
u curie 7
a erica 7
i icier 7
n nicer 7
t recti 7
l relic 7
r ricer 7
s rices 7
t trice 7
u ureic 7

8 words found for letters 'CEIR'

4 letter words

Anagrams of the word cire, words consist of 'CEIR'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cire 6 7
rice 6 7

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'cire'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ice 5 6
rec 5 6
ire 3 3
rei 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'cire'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
er 2 2
re 2 2

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