Definition of word 'blackfish'

  • n. large dark-colored food fish of the Atlantic coast of North America
  • n. female salmon that has recently spawned
  • n. small dark-colored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States

Synonyms of the word 'blackfish'

  • tautog
  • Tautoga onitis
  • pilot whale
  • black whale
  • common blackfish
  • Globicephala melaena

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'blackfish'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'blackfish'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
es blackfiehss 25

184 words found for letters 'ABCFHIKLS'

9 letter words

Anagrams of the word blackfish, words consist of 'ABCFHIKLS'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
blackfish 23 25

8 letter words

Words that can be created using 8 letters from the word 'blackfish'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
blackish 19 21

7 letter words

Words that can be created using 7 letters from the word 'blackfish'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
khalifs 17 17
kiblahs 16 17
chablis 14 16

6 letter words

Words that can be created using 6 letters from the word 'blackfish'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
khalif 16 16
kiblah 15 16
flacks 15 17
chalks 15 16
flicks 15 17
blacks 14 17
kalifs 13 14
kiblas 12 14
califs 11 13
fiscal 11 13
laichs 11 12

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'blackfish'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
khafs 15 14
flack 14 16
chalk 14 15
hacks 14 14
shack 14 14
flick 14 16
hicks 14 14
black 13 16
backs 13 15
filch 13 14
kalif 12 13
kaifs 12 12
flask 12 13
haiks 12 11
lakhs 12 12
kibla 11 13
balks 11 13
calks 11 13
lacks 11 13
slack 11 13
hafis 11 10
flash 11 11
bilks 11 13
licks 11 13
slick 11 13
flabs 10 12
sahib 10 10
blahs 10 11
calif 10 12
calfs 10 12
laich 10 11
chias 10 10
clash 10 11
flics 10 12
basic 9 11
kails 9 10
alifs 8 9
fails 8 9
hails 8 8
bails 7 9
basil 7 9
laics 7 9
salic 7 9

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'blackfish'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
khaf 14 13
hack 13 13
hick 13 13
back 12 14
bach 11 12
kaif 11 11
flak 11 12
kafs 11 11
haik 11 10
lakh 11 11
kifs 11 11
khis 11 10
balk 10 12
bask 10 11
kabs 10 11
calk 10 12
lack 10 12
cask 10 11
sack 10 11
half 10 10
fash 10 9
bilk 10 12
bisk 10 11
lick 10 12
sick 10 11
fish 10 9
flab 9 11
blah 9 10
bash 9 9
calf 9 11
chia 9 9
cash 9 9
fibs 9 10
flic 9 11
fisc 9 10
lich 9 10
chis 9 9
ichs 9 9
cabs 8 10
scab 8 10
ilka 8 9
kail 8 9
saki 8 8
ilks 8 9
silk 8 9
alif 7 8
fail 7 8
fila 7 8
hail 7 7
hila 7 7
lash 7 7
fils 7 8
bail 6 8
bias 6 7
isba 6 7
albs 6 8
bals 6 8
labs 6 8
slab 6 8
laic 6 8
asci 6 7
lacs 6 8
libs 6 8
ails 4 5
sail 4 5
sial 4 5

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'blackfish'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
kaf 10 10
kif 10 10
khi 10 9
kab 9 10
ick 9 10
bah 8 8
fib 8 9
chi 8 8
hic 8 8
ich 8 8
cab 7 9
ask 7 7
kas 7 7
ska 7 7
ilk 7 8
ski 7 7
fas 6 6
ash 6 5
has 6 5
sha 6 5
fil 6 7
ifs 6 6
his 6 5
alb 5 7
bal 5 7
lab 5 7
abs 5 6
bas 5 6
sab 5 6
lac 5 7
sac 5 6
lib 5 7
bis 5 6
sib 5 6
cis 5 6
sic 5 6
ail 3 4
ais 3 3
als 3 4
las 3 4
sal 3 4
lis 3 4

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'blackfish'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ka 6 6
fa 5 5
ah 5 4
ha 5 4
if 5 5
hi 5 4
sh 5 4
ab 4 5
ba 4 5
bi 4 5
ai 2 2
al 2 3
la 2 3
as 2 2
li 2 3
is 2 2
si 2 2

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