Definition of word 'ass'

  • n. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
  • n. a pompous fool
  • n. hardy and sure-footed animal smaller and with longer ears than the horse
  • n. slang for sexual intercourse

Synonyms of the word 'ass'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'ass'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'ass'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
qu quass 14
kv kvass 12
ex saexs 12
jo sjoas 12
bk basks 11
ck casks 11
km kasms 11
ck sacks 11
hh shahs 11
hw shaws 11
hy shays 11
hw shasw 11
wy sways 11
by abyss 10
by bassy 10
hp hasps 10
my massy 10
hm shams 10
gk sgaks 10
hm shasm 10
py spays 10
bw sbaws 10
pw spaws 10
pw pasws 10
ko askos 9
gy gassy 9
ek saeks 9
ik saiks 9
mp samps 9
kr sakrs 9
bc sbacs 9
cm scams 9
dh sdahs 9
gh sgahs 9
kt skats 9
ku skuas 9
ko skaos 9
mp smasp 9
gw sgaws 9
kt kasts 9
eh asehs 8
ay assyy 8
ey essay 8
ft fasts 8
fo fossa 8
fr frass 8
gp gasps 8
ly lyssa 8
ef saefs 8
sy saysy 8
ev saevs 8
ty satsy 8
cd scads 8
cg scags 8
eh sehas 8
hl shasl 8
lw slaws 8
ly slays 8
hn shasn 8
nw snaws 8
fo sfoas 8
oy soyas 8
ht shast 8
ty stays 8
nw snaws 8
tw staws 8
ev easvs 8
tv tasvs 8
iv ivsas 8
tw tasws 8
am amass 7
im aimss 7
ep aesps 7
ip aisps 7
cu ascus 7
ip asips 7
be bases 7
bi basis 7
bi bassi 7
bo basso 7
bt basts 7
br brass 7
ac acsas 7
ce cases 7
ct casts 7
cu casus 7
cl class 7
cr crass 7
bi bsias 7
am amssa 7
em eassm 7
mt masts 7
em emsas 7
ep easps 7
ep eassp 7
pt pasts 7
op ospas 7
pr pasrs 7
be sabes 7
lp salps 7
cn scans 7
cr scars 7
ct scats 7
em seams 7
im simas 7
bl sbals 7
lm slams 7
lp slaps 7
np snaps 7
op soaps 7
mo smoas 7
ep seaps 7
np snaps 7
pr spars 7
pt spats 7
bt sbats 7
bu sbuas 7
eg easgs 6
gt gasts 6
gu gauss 6
gl glass 6
gr grass 6
de sades 6
di sadis 6
ag sagas 6
eg saegs 6
go sagos 6
di sadis 6
dn sadns 6
dr sadrs 6
gl sgals 6
gn sgans 6
do sdoas 6
gt sgats 6
er aesrs 5
ir aisrs 5
ai assii 5
es aeses 5
et asset 5
ee eases 5
et easts 5
el easls 5
lo lasso 5
lt lasts 5
eo easos 5
io iasos 5
ot oasts 5
io issoa 5
er easrs 5
il sails 5
in sains 5
el saels 5
al salsa 5
lt salts 5
en saens 5
ir sairs 5
or saors 5
in sasin 5
et saets 5
it saits 5
lu salus 5
el seals 5
er sears 5
et seats 5
en sensa 5
il sials 5
il sisal 5
lt slats 5
or soars 5
or soras 5
rt srats 5
tt stats 5
ot sotas 5
ru sruas 5
et easst 5
rt rtass 5
rt rsats 5

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
k asks 8
k skas 8
h sash 7
w saws 7
y says 7
p asps 6
b bass 6
m mass 6
p pass 6
b sabs 6
c sacs 6
p saps 6
p spas 6
g sags 5
l lass 4
o ossa 4
l sals 4
n sans 4
s sass 4
e seas 4
t tass 4

2 words found for letters 'ASS'

3 letter words

Anagrams of the word ass, words consist of 'ASS'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ass 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'ass'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
as 2 2

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