Definition of word 'apparatchik'

  • n. a humorous but derogatory term for an official of a large organization
  • n. a communist who was a member of the administrative system of a communist party

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
i apparatchiki 25
s apparatchiks 25

184 words found for letters 'AAACHIKPPRT'

11 letter words

Anagrams of the word apparatchik, words consist of 'AAACHIKPPRT'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
apparatchik 24 26

8 letter words

Words that can be created using 8 letters from the word 'apparatchik'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
chappati 17 19

7 letter words

Words that can be created using 7 letters from the word 'apparatchik'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
hatrack 16 16
paprika 15 17
tripack 15 17
charpai 14 15
haircap 14 15
chapati 14 15
kithara 14 13
paprica 13 16
cithara 12 12
apparat 11 13

6 letter words

Words that can be created using 6 letters from the word 'apparatchik'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
chakra 15 15
charka 15 15
paraph 13 14
haptic 13 14
phatic 13 14
pariah 11 11
raphia 11 11
pataca 10 12
picara 10 12
capita 10 12

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'apparatchik'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
chark 14 14
thack 14 14
chirk 14 14
thick 14 14
kappa 13 15
prick 13 15
pacha 12 13
haika 12 11
parch 12 13
chapt 12 13
patch 12 13
chirp 12 13
pitch 12 13
parka 11 12
track 11 12
trick 11 12
chair 10 10
aitch 10 10
chart 10 10
ratch 10 10
thrip 10 10
karat 9 9
carpi 9 11
krait 9 9
traik 9 9
arhat 8 7
airth 8 7
acari 7 8
carat 7 8
apart 7 8
triac 7 8
atrip 7 8
tapir 7 8
atria 5 5
riata 5 5
tiara 5 5

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'apparatchik'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
hack 13 13
kaph 13 13
hick 13 13
pack 12 14
pick 12 14
caph 11 12
chap 11 12
haik 11 10
hark 11 10
khat 11 10
chip 11 12
kith 11 10
kapa 10 11
cark 10 11
rack 10 11
tack 10 11
paik 10 11
pika 10 11
park 10 11
rick 10 11
tick 10 11
chia 9 9
arch 9 9
char 9 9
chat 9 9
tach 9 9
harp 9 9
path 9 9
phat 9 9
rich 9 9
chit 9 9
itch 9 9
pith 9 9
paca 8 10
arak 8 8
kata 8 8
taka 8 8
papa 8 10
pica 8 10
carp 8 10
crap 8 10
pact 8 10
raki 8 8
ikat 8 8
kart 8 8
haar 7 6
hair 7 6
hart 7 6
rath 7 6
tahr 7 6
thir 7 6
acta 6 7
para 6 7
atap 6 7
tapa 6 7
cart 6 7
pair 6 7
pita 6 7
part 6 7
prat 6 7
rapt 6 7
tarp 6 7
trap 6 7
trip 6 7
aria 4 4
raia 4 4
airt 4 4

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'apparatchik'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
khi 10 9
ick 9 10
kip 9 10
hap 8 8
pah 8 8
chi 8 8
hic 8 8
ich 8 8
hip 8 8
phi 8 8
pht 8 8
cap 7 9
pac 7 9
ark 7 7
kat 7 7
pap 7 9
pic 7 9
irk 7 7
kir 7 7
kit 7 7
pip 7 9
aah 6 5
aha 6 5
rah 6 5
hat 6 5
hit 6 5
arc 5 6
car 5 6
act 5 6
cat 5 6
pia 5 6
par 5 6
rap 5 6
apt 5 6
pat 5 6
tap 5 6
tic 5 6
rip 5 6
pit 5 6
tip 5 6
air 3 3
ria 3 3
ait 3 3
art 3 3
rat 3 3
tar 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'apparatchik'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ka 6 6
ah 5 4
ha 5 4
hi 5 4
pa 4 5
pi 4 5
aa 2 2
ai 2 2
ar 2 2
at 2 2
ta 2 2
it 2 2
ti 2 2

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