Words starting with L and ending in E

A list of words that starts with L and ends in E. We search a large dictionary for words starting with letters specified by you or ending in letters you specified. Click a word below to see definition, synonyms, antonyms, and anagrams of the word. 484 words were found for current search condition.

18 letter words that starts with L and ends in E


14 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

lignocellulose lignosulfonate

13 letter words that starts with L and ends in E


12 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

labyrinthine laryngoscope legitimatize luminescence luncheonette

11 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

labradorite lacquerware langbeinite langoustine laparoscope launderette leatherette leatherlike lecithinase legionnaire legislative legislature lemminglike letterspace leukotriene libertinage lickspittle lithosphere lobsterlike localizable loosestrife lubricative lycanthrope

10 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

lacerative lachrymose lacustrine ladderlike lamentable lanceolate lanthanide lateralize laundrette lavalliere lawyerlike legitimate legitimise legitimize lemniscate lengthwise lentamente lepidolite leptospire lexicalize liberalise liberalize licensable licentiate lighterage lighthouse lightplane limitative limitrophe listenable literalize literature lithophane lithophyte littermate lobotomise lobotomize locomotive lophophore luciferase lusterware luxuriance lymphocyte lymphokine lyophilise lyophilize lysogenise lysogenize

9 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

labelable labialize laciniate lagniappe lakeshore lamellate landscape landslide langouste lapstrake larvicide lassitude laudative laughable lavaliere laypeople lazarette leachable learnable leastwise lectotype leechlike legislate lenticule leporidae leptosome leptotene leukocyte libertine licensure lidocaine lifestyle lightface lightsome limestone limitable limousine linearise linearize linoleate lintwhite liquidate liquidize liquorice lithesome lithopone litigable lixiviate loadstone loathsome lobscouse locatable lodestone longhouse longitude lookalike lorgnette lowercase loxodrome lubricate lucrative luminaire luminance luminesce lunchtime luteinize luxuriate lyonnaise

8 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

laborite lacelike lacerate lacrosse lacunate lacunose ladylike ladylove laetrile lagnappe laitance lakelike lakeside lambaste lamblike lamellae laminate laminose landline landside langrage langsyne language lanoline lapidate lapsable lapsible lardlike largesse larksome laterite laterize latinize latitude laudable laureate lavalike laxative layerage lazulite lazurite leachate leaflike leasable legalese legalise legalize legatine lemonade lemurine lendable lenience lenitive lepidote leporine leverage leviable levigate levirate levitate levogyre levulose lewisite libellee liberate licencee licensee licorice lienable lifelike lifeline lifetime liftable liftgate ligative ligature ligroine ligulate likeable likewise lilylike limacine limonene limonite lineable linelike lingerie linguine linkable lionlike lipocyte liposome liripipe listable literate litharge litigate liveable loanable lobeline lobulate lobulose localise localite localize locative lockable locomote loculate locustae lodicule loftlike logicise logicize logotype lonesome longline longsome longtime longwise loophole lordlike loricate lothsome loveable lovesome lovevine lunulate lustrate lycopene lyophile lyricise lyricize lysosome lysozyme

7 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

labiate lactase lactate lactone lactose lacunae ladrone laicise laicize laminae lasagne latrine lattice lauwine lawlike layette leafage leakage lecture legatee legible leglike leisure leonine leprose lettuce leucine leucite libelee librate licence license licente lignite ligulae likable limbate limeade linable lindane lineage lineate linguae linkage lionise lionize liplike liquate lisente lissome livable lockage loricae losable lovable lowlife lozenge lucarne lucence lucerne luggage lunette lunulae lurdane lyddite

6 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

labile lacune laddie lagune lambie lamiae lanate langue lanose larine larvae lassie launce laurae lavage lawine league lechwe legate legume lessee lexeme lezzie liable liaise librae lichee lierne ligase ligate ligule ligure linage lipase lipide listee little loathe lobate lobule locale locate locule loggie louche lounge louvre lovage luckie luggie lunate lungee lunule lupine lustre luxate lychee lyrate lysate lysine lyttae

5 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

ladle lance lapse laree large lathe latke latte lease leave ledge lense leone lethe levee liane liege lieve lisle lithe litre livre lodge longe looie loose lotte louie loupe louse lowse lucre lunge lyase lycee

4 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

lace lade lake lame lane lase late lave laze leke lice life like lime line lire lite live lobe lode loge lone lope lore lose love lowe lube luce lude luge lune lure lute luxe lyre lyse

3 letter words that starts with L and ends in E

lee lie lye

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