Words starting with A and ending in E

A list of words that starts with A and ends in E. We search a large dictionary for words starting with letters specified by you or ending in letters you specified. Click a word below to see definition, synonyms, antonyms, and anagrams of the word. 1183 words were found for current search condition.

20 letter words that starts with A and ends in E


18 letter words that starts with A and ends in E


17 letter words that starts with A and ends in E


16 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

acetylsalicylate aminotransferase anthropomorphize anticonglomerate antihypertensive archconservative

15 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

aluminosilicate antepenultimate anticompetitive antifashionable antiforeclosure antiprogressive antispeculative archiepiscopate

14 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

accomplishable administrative aminopeptidase anticonvulsive antiderivative antimetabolite antireflective antisubversive azidothymidine

13 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

accommodative acculturative acetazolamide acetylcholine acrylonitrile administrable adventuresome agglomerative agglutinative aminophylline amitriptyline amphiprostyle anagrammatize anthophyllite anthraquinone anticellulite anticigarette anticipatable anticlockwise anticorporate anticorrosive antihistamine antinarrative antipesticide antisatellite antisubmarine apportionable apprehensible appropriative approximative arboriculture archimandrite argumentative ascertainable asthenosphere audiocassette authoritative

12 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

absquatulate abstractable accelerative accreditable accumulative acetaldehyde acetonitrile acquaintance acquiescence actinomycete adjudicative administrate adrenochrome aeromedicine aestheticize affectionate agglutinable agranulocyte alliterative ameliorative anathematize anchorpeople andouillette androsterone anthranilate anticreative antifeminine antiliterate antiparticle antipleasure antiviolence apostrophise apostrophize apperceptive appreciative apprehensive approachable appropriable appurtenance arborescence archegoniate architecture arsenopyrite arsphenamine articulative asseverative assimilative attitudinise attitudinize attributable augmentative authenticate azathioprine

11 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

abolishable absorptance abstractive accessorise accessorize accipitrine acclimatise acclimatize accommodate accountable acculturate acetanilide acetylative achromatize acknowledge acquisitive acquittance acriflavine acupressure acupuncture addressable adolescence adumbrative adversative affirmative affricative agglomerate agglutinate aggregative agriculture aiguillette ailurophile ailurophobe alabastrine aldosterone alexandrine alexandrite allocatable alphabetize alternative amaranthine amazonstone ambivalence amblygonite amethystine aminopyrine amortizable amphetamine amphibolite anesthetize anorthosite antecedence anthologize anthracnose anticathode anticyclone antifatigue antiheroine antimissile antiscience antiseizure antistrophe antisuicide antitussive antiwelfare antiwrinkle apomorphine apophyllite apotheosize appellative applaudable applicative appreciable appropriate approximate aquaculture aquiculture arabinoside arbitrative archdiocese argumentive arthroscope arthrospore articulable assassinate assimilable associative assortative attemptable attractance attributive automatable

10 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

abbreviate abhorrence abominable absolutive absolutize absorbable absorbance absorptive abstinence accelerate accentuate acceptable acceptance accessible accomplice accordance accumulate accusative achievable achondrite acidophile acoelomate acquirable acrylamide actinolite actionable adamantine adjudicate adjunctive adjustable admissible admittance adrenaline adsorbable adsorptive adulterate adulterine advertence advocative aeciospore aerogramme aerosolize affectable affirmable affirmance afflictive affordable afterimage afterpiece aftershave aftertaste aggrandise aggrandize aggressive agoraphobe alkalinize allegiance allegorise allegorize alliterate alongshore altarpiece amalgamate amantadine ameliorate amerciable amoebocyte amphiphile analyzable anastomose anastrophe andalusite anecdotage anglophone animalcule animallike annihilate annotative annunciate anopheline answerable antagonize anthracene anthracite anticipate antifemale antifreeze antimonide antinature antiplague antiplaque antipolice antipyrine antistrike apiculture apocalypse apostatise apostatize apostolate apostrophe appealable appearance appeasable apperceive appetitive applesauce applicable appointive appositive appraisive appreciate apprentice approvable aquamarine arbitrable arborvitae architrave arpeggiate articulate ascendable ascendance ascendence ascendible ascomycete ascribable ascriptive asparagine asphaltite asphyxiate assailable assaultive assemblage assessable asseverate assignable assimilate assistance assumptive atmosphere attachable attainable attendance attractive audiophile auriculate auscultate autoimmune autolysate autolyzate automatize automobile automotive autorotate autostrade autotomize aventurine aviculture axiomatize

9 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

abdicable aberrance abominate aborigine abradable abscissae abundance acalephae acaricide acceptive accidence acclimate accretive accruable acetamide acetylate acetylene acidulate acquiesce acrophobe actualize acuminate adaptable addictive addressee adductive adenosine adherence adipocyte adjective adjustive admeasure admirable admissive admixture adobelike adoptable adsorbate adultlike adumbrate advantage advective adventive adventure advertise advertize advisable aerobrake aerodrome aeroplane aerospace aestivate affective affiliate affixable affluence affricate aftercare afterlife aftertime aggravate aggregate agitative agreeable airmobile aitchbone alchemize algaecide alienable aliterate allemande alleviate allocable allophane allophone allotrope allowable allowance almandine almandite almshouse alongside alterable altercate alternate aluminate aluminize alveolate amazonite ambrotype ambulance ambuscade amebocyte amendable ammoniate amphibole amplidyne amplitude amygdalae analogize anatomise anatomize anchorage anchorite andouille andradite androgyne anglesite anglicise anglicize anhydride anhydrite animalize anklebone annoyance annualize anorthite antefixae antennule anticline anticrime antielite antiglare antinoise antiquate antisense antismoke antistate antiwhite apiculate apoenzyme apologiae apologise apologize appellate appendage appetence appliance appointee appraisee approbate aquaplane aquarelle arabesque arabicize arabinose aragonite arbitrage arbitrate arccosine archetype arecoline argentine argentite argillite armistice aromatize arrearage arriviste arrogance arteriole artichoke ascensive ascorbate ascospore aspartame aspartate aspiratae assertive associate assonance assuasive assumable assurance astraddle astrocyte astrodome astrolabe asymptote athrocyte attentive attenuate attribute aubergine audiotape auditable auriculae austenite authorise authorize autoclave autoroute available avalanche avifaunae avoidable avoidance awardable azeotrope

8 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

abampere abatable abdicate abeyance abidance ablative ablegate abnegate abortive abrasive abrogate absentee absinthe absolute absterge abstruse abusable acalephe acaudate acauline acaulose acceptee accolade accoutre accurate acerbate acervate aciculae acierate acridine acrosome acrylate actiniae actinide activate activize aculeate acutance adamance adamsite adaptive additive adequate adhesive adoptive adorable aduncate advocate aerodyne aerolite aesthete afebrile affiance agentive aggrieve agiotage agitable aglycone agminate aguelike aigrette aiguille airborne airdrome airframe airplane airscape airspace albacore albicore albumose alcidine aldehyde aldolase alehouse aleurone algerine algicide alginate alienage alienate alkaline alkalise alkalize alkoxide alkylate allanite alliable alliance allocate allottee allotype allspice allusive altitude amandine amarelle ambiance ambience ambulate ameerate amenable amicable amitrole ammocete ammonite amortise amortize amperage amphorae ampullae amputate amusable amygdale amygdule anaerobe analcime analcite analogue anaphase ancillae andesite andesyte anecdote anethole anginose angulate angulose anisette ankerite ankylose annotate announce annulate annulose anserine antecede antedate antelope antennae antetype antidote antigene antilife antimale antimere antinode antinuke antipode antipole antipope antirape antitype antrorse anyplace anywhere aperture aphanite apholate aphorise aphorize apocrine apologue apophyge apostate apothece appanage appellee appetite applause applique apposite appraise aptitude aquacade aquatone aquiline arborize arbuscle arcature archaise archaize archduke areolate arginase arginine arguable arillate arillode aristate armature armillae arrestee arrogate arsenate arsenide arsenite artifice asparkle asperate aspirate assemble assignee astatine astringe atonable atrazine atremble atropine attendee attitude audience auditive auntlike aureolae autocade autodyne autolyse autolyze automate autosome autotype autunite avellane aversive avianize avowable axletree

7 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

abalone abaxile abollae abridge abscise absence absolve abubble abusive academe acarine accidie accrete acerate acerose acetate acetone acetose achieve achiote acinose acolyte aconite acquire acreage actable actuate acylate addable addible adenine adipose adjudge adoptee adulate advance adverse advisee affable affaire affiche agamete agarose agatize agenize aggrade agitate agonise agonize agraffe airdate airfare airhole airlike airline airtime airwave airwise alamode alanine alcaide alcalde alcayde alewife alexine alidade alienee aliunde allonge alumine alumnae alunite amative ambsace amesace amiable amidase amidine amidone amirate amniote amoebae amosite ampoule amputee amusive amylase amylene amylose anagoge analyse analyze anatase andante anemone anglice anguine aniline animate anisole anodize anodyne anolyte antique antlike anymore anytime anywise apagoge apanage apatite apelike aphthae apocope apolune apostle appease apprise apprize approve appulse apyrase arabize archine archive arcsine arcuate arenite arenose areolae ariette aristae armhole armlike armoire arrange article artiste ascribe asinine askance asperse asshole asslike assuage asswage astilbe astride athlete atingle atomise atomize attache attrite auberge audible aureate aureole auricle aurorae auspice austere avarice average avodire awardee awesome axillae axoneme azotise azotize azurite

6 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

abduce abjure ablate ablaze abrade accede accrue accuse achene acnode active acuate adduce adhere adjure admire adnate advice advise aedile aedine aerate aerobe affine aflame agapae aglare agnate agnize agorae agrafe ahorse albite alcade alcove aldose alible alkane alkene alkine alkyne allege allele allude allure almuce almude alpine alsike alulae alvine ambage amebae amerce ammine ampere ampule ananke ancone anlace anlage annexe anomie ansate anyone aortae apache apiece aplite apogee appose arable arbute arcade arcane areole argyle ariose arkose armure arouse arrive arsine ashore aslope aspire assize assume assure astute attire attune aubade audile augite auntie aurate avenge avenue averse aviate avulse awhile axlike

5 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

abase abate abele abide abode above abuse ackee acute adage addle adobe adore adoze aerie afire afore agape agate agave agaze agene aggie agile aglee agone agree aisle akene alane alate algae alike aline alive allee alone amaze amble amice amide amine amole ample amuse anele angle anile anime anise ankle anode anole ansae antae antre apace apple aquae areae arete argle argue arise arose aside atone aurae awake aware awoke axile axite axone azide azine azole azote azure

4 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

abbe able abye ache acme acne acre adze agee ague aide ajee akee alae alee alme aloe amie ante apse arse awee axle

3 letter words that starts with A and ends in E

ace age ale ane ape are ate ave awe axe aye

2 letter words that starts with A and ends in E


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