Words that contain Ory

A list of words that contains Ory. We search a large dictionary for words contains the letter Ory. Click a word below to see definition, synonyms, antonyms, and anagrams of the word. Also find words that start with ory and words that end in ory. 426 words were found for current search condition.

21 letter words that contains Ory


20 letter words that contains Ory


18 letter words that contains Ory


17 letter words that contains Ory

nondiscriminatory cardiorespiratory dephosphorylating dephosphorylation

16 letter words that contains Ory

dephosphorylated dephosphorylates phosphorylations noncontradictory nonparticipatory microcirculatory immunoregulatory overcompensatory thermoregulatory immunomodulatory

15 letter words that contains Ory

phosphorylative noncontributory noninflammatory dephosphorylate dissatisfactory phosphorylating corynebacterium phosphorylation poststimulatory corynebacterial

14 letter words that contains Ory

classificatory neurosecretory reconciliatory circumlocutory recommendatory dextrorotatory osmoregulatory nonexplanatory phosphorylases phosphorylates phosphorylated postcopulatory corynebacteria discriminatory supererogatory unsatisfactory transmigratory congratulatory nonsupervisory antiregulatory

13 letter words that contains Ory

certificatory incriminatory constellatory contradictory expostulatory corroboratory exterminatory interrogatory subinhibitory perambulatory precopulatory interlocutory investigatory justificatory confabulatory equilibratory gesticulatory storytellings dissimilatory somatosensory participatory hallucinatory reverberatory recriminatory phosphorylase communicatory psychohistory improvisatory storyboarding phosphorylate

12 letter words that contains Ory

denunciatory inflammatory extrasensory facilitatory propitiatory ingratiatory intercessory masturbatory dispensatory ethnohistory neurosensory exaggeratory levorotatory introductory nonmigratory intimidatory depreciatory manipulatory nonsecretory intersensory inventorying interdictory multisensory assimilatory supplicatory remuneratory storytelling commendatory conciliatory purificatory condemnatory confirmatory amelioratory satisfactory annihilatory articulatory stridulatory auscultatory storytellers appreciatory storyboarded supersensory annunciatory confiscatory consecratory perspiratory compensatory vituperatory anticipatory interjectory protohistory adjudicatory preovulatory performatory conservatory renunciatory consummatory contributory

11 letter words that contains Ory

inculpatory negotiatory heterospory incantatory ventilatory informatory vindicatory suppository subcategory supervisory imprecatory inspiratory valedictory translatory extenuatory predicatory prohibitory obfuscatory profanatory preparatory premonitory phosphoryls objurgatory observatory oscillatory persecutory nonauditory reprobatory reformatory storyteller storyboards maledictory stipulatory stimulatory manufactory masticatory retributory retaliatory respiratory perfunctory gratulatory approbatory declamatory cosignatory celebratory corymbosely exculpatory chancellory exhortatory corydalises explanatory explicatory declaratory exclamatory applicatory benedictory designatory deprecatory anovulatory ejaculatory borborygmus consolatory depredatory calefactory exploratory condolatory combinatory denigratory comminatory circulatory expurgatory factorylike

10 letter words that contains Ory

expiratory depository regulatory depilatory refractory phosphoryl redemptory storyboard multistory clerestory protectory rescissory borborygmi divinatory responsory derogatory storybooks obligatory repository clearstory castratory defamatory possessory salutatory promissory preceptory copulatory precursory corybantes preemptory prehistory pillorying promontory osculatory dedicatory compulsory peremptory conclusory revelatory coryphaeus coryneform consistory corybantic inundatory expository laboratory innovatory indicatory incubatory understory locomotory suspensory inhibitory initiatory invitatory exhibitory invocatory transitory trajectory excusatory ivorybills judicatory ambulatory modulatory mitigatory admonitory accusatory adjuratory amendatory undulatory suppletory excitatory escalatory

9 letter words that contains Ory

herbivory repertory gustatory precatory saltatory expiatory feudatory executory placatory piscatory vibratory expletory purgatory provisory inventory adulatory probatory vainglory refectory hortatory prefatory prolusory homospory corybants predatory corydalis damnatory laudatory territory dooryards libratory olfactory offertory mandatory storybook mediatory antistory deviatory dormitory migratory desultory directory accessory decretory signatory coryphaei seigniory ivorybill excretory crematory statutory coryphees secretory pellitory overstory corymbose ovulatory

8 letter words that contains Ory

sudatory auditory storying additory vanitory chickory seignory unsavory revisory aleatory allegory category chiccory apospory advisory rogatory signiory rotatory vomitory gyratory minatory monitory illusory moratory natatory dooryard dilatory derisory nonstory nugatory midstory enactory herstory glorying fumitory fumatory incisory feretory isospory juratory lavatory locutory delusory citatory corymbed corybant oblatory coryphee punitory potatory

7 letter words that contains Ory

hickory cursory factory flavory corymbs elusory history rectory victory chicory amatory pillory oratory signory coryzal sensory coryzas suasory succory

6 letter words that contains Ory

theory oryxes savory calory coryza vapory priory armory memory corymb

5 letter words that contains Ory

story ivory glory moory

4 letter words that contains Ory

dory oryx tory lory gory cory

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