Words that contain Fr

A list of words that contains Fr. We search a large dictionary for words contains the letter Fr. Click a word below to see definition, synonyms, antonyms, and anagrams of the word. Also find words that start with fr and words that end in fr. 1345 words were found for current search condition.

20 letter words that contains Fr


19 letter words that contains Fr

disenfranchisements phosphofructokinase

18 letter words that contains Fr

disenfranchisement fractionalizations nonconfrontational nonfraternizations

17 letter words that contains Fr

confrontationists disfranchisements fractionalization fragmentarinesses irrefragabilities nonconfrontations nonfraternization refrangiblenesses

16 letter words that contains Fr

confrontationist diffractometries disenfranchising disfranchisement enfranchisements fraudulentnesses freehandednesses frenchifications friendlessnesses infrangibilities nonconfrontation refractivenesses refractorinesses refrangibilities unfriendlinesses unfruitfulnesses

15 letter words that contains Fr

anfractuosities confraternities confrontational diffractometers diffractometric disenfranchised disenfranchises enfranchisement fractionalizing fractiousnesses fragmentariness fraternizations frenchification frightfulnesses frivolousnesses fructifications fruitlessnesses gyrofrequencies infrastructures interfraternity irrefragability refractometries refrangibleness

14 letter words that contains Fr

birefringences confrontations diffractometer diffractometry disenfranchise disfranchising fractionalized fractionalizes fractionations fragmentations frangibilities fraternization fraudulentness freakishnesses freehandedness freewheelingly frequentations frequentatives frequentnesses frictionlessly friendlessness friendlinesses fructification fruitfulnesses infrangibility infrastructure liebfraumilchs multifrequency refractiveness refractivities refractometers refractometric refractoriness refrangibility refrigerations schadenfreudes unfriendliness unfruitfulness unrefrigerated usufructuaries

13 letter words that contains Fr

airfreighting anfractuosity antifrictions birefringence confraternity confrontation disfranchised disfranchises enfranchising fractionalize fractionating fractionation fractionators fractiousness fragmentarily fragmentating fragmentation fragmentizing frankincenses franticnesses fraternalisms freeheartedly freemasonries freethinkings frequentation frequentative fretfulnesses frighteningly frightfulness frivolousness frontispieces frontogeneses frontogenesis frowardnesses fruitlessness frustratingly gallimaufries gyrofrequency infraspecific infrequencies infringements liebfraumilch postfractures refractometer refractometry refrigerating refrigeration refrigerators schadenfreude unfriendliest

12 letter words that contains Fr

affricatives airfreighted antifriction battlefronts birefringent diffractions disfranchise effronteries enframements enfranchised enfranchises fractionally fractionated fractionates fractionator fragmentally fragmentated fragmentates fragmentized fragmentizes frangibility frankfurters frankincense franklinites frankpledges fraternalism fraternities fraternizers fraternizing fraudulences fraudulently freakinesses freakishness freehandedly freestanding freethinkers freethinking freewheelers freewheeling freewritings frenchifying frenetically freneticisms frequentness friabilities fricasseeing frictionally frictionless friendliness frigidnesses friskinesses fritillarias fritillaries frizzinesses frontalities frontiersman frontiersmen frontispiece frontrunners frostbitings frostinesses frothinesses frozennesses fruitfullest fruitfulness fruitinesses frustrations infrequences infrequently infringement irrefragable irrefragably leapfrogging nonfrivolous postfracture proofreaders proofreading refractively refractivity refractories refractorily refrainments refreshening refreshingly refreshments refrigerants refrigerated refrigerates refrigerator suffragettes unfrequented unfriendlier unfruitfully usufructuary

11 letter words that contains Fr

affricative affrighting airfreights anfractuous antifreezes battlefront beachfronts befriending breadfruits breakfronts confrontals confronters confronting dentifrices diffracting diffraction disfrocking enframement enfranchise firstfruits fractionate fractioning fractiously fragilities fragmentary fragmentate fragmenting fragmentize fragrancies frailnesses frameshifts franchisees franchisers franchising franchisors francophone frangipanes frangipanis frangipanni frankfurter franklinite franknesses frankpledge frantically franticness fraternally fraternized fraternizer fraternizes fratricidal fratricides fraudulence fraxinellas freebooters freebooting freehearted freeholders freelancers freelancing freeloaders freeloading freemartins freemasonry freestylers freethinker freewheeled freewheeler freewriting freightages frenchified frenchifies freneticism frequencies frequenters frequentest frequenting freshnesses freshwaters fretfulness fricandeaus fricandeaux friendliest friendships frightening frightfully frigidities fritillaria frivolities frivolously froghoppers frontcourts frontolyses frontolysis frontrunner frostbiting frostbitten frowardness fructifying frugalities frugivorous fruitarians fruitfuller fruitlessly frustrating frustration gallimaufry girlfriends grapefruits housefronts infractions infrahumans infrangible infrangibly infrequence infrequency leapfrogged nonfreezing oceanfronts outfrowning permafrosts prefranking prefreezing prefreshman prefreshmen prefrontals proofreader refractions refrainment refrangible refreshened refreshment refrigerant refrigerate riverfronts sassafrases shirtfronts shorefronts storefronts subfreezing suffragette suffragists unfrivolous waterfronts wolframites

10 letter words that contains Fr

affricates affrighted affronting airfreight antifreeze beachfront befretting befriended befringing boyfriends breadfruit breakfront confrontal confronted confronter defrauders defrauding defrayable defrocking defrosters defrosting dentifrice diffracted disfrocked effrontery forefronts fractional fractioned fracturing fragmental fragmented fragrances fragrantly frambesias framboises frameshift frameworks franchised franchisee franchiser franchises franchisor francolins frangipane frangipani frankfurts fraternity fraternize fratricide fraudulent fraughting fraxinella freakiness freakishly freckliest freebasers freebasing freeboards freebooted freebooter freedwoman freedwomen freehanded freeholder freelanced freelancer freelances freeloaded freeloader freemartin freenesses freestones freestyler freestyles freewheels freezingly freightage freighters freighting fremituses frenziedly frequences frequented frequenter frequently fresheners freshening freshwater friability fricandeau fricandoes fricasseed fricassees fricatives frictional friedcakes friendless friendlier friendlies friendlily friendship friezelike frightened frigidness frigorific fripperies friskiness fritillary fritterers frittering frivollers frivolling frizziness frizzliest frogfishes froghopper frolicking frolicsome fromenties frontality frontcourt frontwards frostbites frostiness frostworks frothiness frowningly frowstiest frozenness fructified fructifies frugivores fruitarian fruitcakes fruiterers fruitfully fruitiness fruitwoods frumenties frustrated frustrates frutescent girlfriend grapefruit hausfrauen hoarfrosts housefront infracting infraction infrahuman infrasonic infrequent infringers infringing jackfruits kiwifruits lakefronts mainframes misframing oceanfront ossifrages outfrowned permafrost postfreeze prefranked prefreezes prefrontal proofreads proofrooms refractile refracting refraction refractive refractors refractory refraining refreezing refreshens refreshers refreshing refronting riverfront safranines sangfroids saxifrages shirtfront shorefront starfruits storefront suffragans suffragist unfreedoms unfreezing unfriended unfriendly unfrocking unfruitful waterfront wolframite

9 letter words that contains Fr

affrayers affraying affricate affrights affronted airframes antifraud bedframes befretted befriends befringed befringes boyfriend bullfrogs chamfrons chanfrons confreres confronts defrauded defrauder defrayals defrayers defraying defrocked defrosted defroster diffracts disfrocks ecofreaks enframing fogfruits forefront fractions fractious fractured fractures fraggings fragility fragments fragrance fragrancy frailness frailties frambesia framboise frameable framework franchise franciums francolin frangible franglais frankable frankfurt franklins frankness fraternal fraughted frauleins frazzling freakiest freakouts frecklier freckling freebased freebaser freebases freeboard freeboots freeholds freelance freeloads freestone freestyle freewheel freighted freighter frenchify frenching frenetics frenulums frenzying frequence frequency frequents frescoers frescoing freshened freshener freshness fretfully frettiest fretworks fribblers fribbling fricassee fricative frictions friedcake friending frightens frightful frighting frigidity frilliest frillings fringiest frisettes friskiest frittatas frittered fritterer frivolers frivoling frivolity frivolled frivoller frivolous frizettes frizziest frizzlers frizzlier frizzling froggiest frolicked frondeurs frontages frontally frontiers frontless frontlets frontline frontward frostbite frostiest frostings frostwork frothiest frottages frotteurs froufrous frouncing frouziest frowardly frowsiest frowstier frowsting frowziest fructoses fructuous frugality frugivore fruitages fruitcake fruiterer fruitiest fruitions fruitless fruitlets fruitwood frumpiest frustrate frustules fruticose hausfraus hoarfrost infracted infrareds infringed infringer infringes jackfruit kiwifruit lakefront leapfrogs mainframe misframed misframes nonfrozen ossifrage outfrowns panfrying prefranks prefreeze prefrozen proofread proofroom refracted refractor refrained reframing refreezes refreshed refreshen refresher refreshes refronted riffraffs safranine safranins sangfroid sassafras saxifrage seafronts starfruit subframes suffragan suffrages taffrails therefrom unfreedom unfreeing unfreezes unfrocked usufructs wherefrom

8 letter words that contains Fr

affrayed affrayer affright affronts airframe alfresco bedframe befriend befringe belfried belfries bowfront bullfrog carefree chamfron chanfron coffrets comfreys confrere confront defrauds defrayal defrayed defrayer defrocks defrosts diffract disfrock ecofreak enframed enframes fogfruit frabjous fracases fractals fraction fracture fracturs fraenums fragging fragment fragrant frailest frakturs framable framings francium frankers frankest franking franklin frapping fraughts fraulein frayings frazzled frazzles freakier freakily freaking freakish freakout freckled freckles freebase freebees freebies freeboot freeborn freedman freedmen freedoms freeform freehand freehold freeload freeness freesias freeways freewill freezers freezing freights fremitus frenched frenches frenetic frenulum frenzied frenzies frenzily frequent frescoed frescoer frescoes freshens freshest freshets freshing freshman freshmen fresnels fretless fretsaws fretsome fretters frettier fretting fretwork friaries fribbled fribbler fribbles fricando friction friended friendly frigates frigging frighted frighten frigidly frijoles frillers frillier frilling fringier fringing frippery frisette friseurs friskers friskets friskier friskily frisking frissons frittata fritters fritting frivoled frivoler frizette frizzers frizzier frizzily frizzing frizzled frizzler frizzles frocking frogeyed frogeyes frogfish froggier frogging froglike frolicky fromages fromenty frondeur frondose frontage frontals frontier fronting frontlet frontons frostbit frosteds frostier frostily frosting frothier frothily frothing frottage frotteur froufrou frounced frounces frouzier frowners frowning frowsier frowsted frowzier frowzily frozenly fructify fructose frugally frugging fruitage fruiters fruitful fruitier fruitily fruiting fruition fruitlet frumenty frumpier frumpily frumpish frustule frustums germfree hausfrau infracts infrared infringe infrugal leapfrog misframe offramps outfrown overfree palfreys panfried panfries pomfrets prefrank prefroze refracts refrains reframed reframes refreeze refronts refrozen refrying riffraff saffrons safranin safroles seafront shofroth subframe suffrage taffrail unafraid unframed unfreeze unfrocks unfrozen usufruct wolframs

7 letter words that contains Fr

affrays affront afreets befrets coffret comfrey defraud defrays defrock defrost enframe fractal fracted fractur fractus fraenum fragged fragile frailer frailly frailty fraises fraktur framers framing franked franker frankly frantic frapped frappes frasses fraters fraught fraying frazils frazzle freaked freckle freckly freebee freebie freedom freeing freeman freemen freesia freeway freezer freezes freight frenula frenums frescos freshed freshen fresher freshes freshet freshly fresnel fretful fretsaw fretted fretter friable friarly fribble fridges friends friezes frigate frigged frights frijole frilled friller fringed fringes friseur frisked frisker frisket frisson fritted fritter fritzes frivols frizers frizing frizzed frizzer frizzes frizzle frizzly frocked frogeye frogged frogman frogmen frolics fromage fronded frontal fronted fronter frontes fronton frosted frothed frounce froward frowned frowner frowsts frowsty frugged fruited fruiter frustum frypans infract offramp orfrays palfrey pomfret refract refrain reframe refresh refried refries refront refroze saffron safrole safrols unfreed unfrees unfrock unfroze upfront wolfram zaffres

6 letter words that contains Fr

affray afraid afreet afresh afrits befret belfry defray fracas fracti fraena frails fraise framed framer frames francs franks frappe frater frauds frayed frazil freaks freaky freely freers freest freeze french frenum frenzy freres fresco fretty friars friary fridge friend friers frieze fright frigid frijol frills frilly fringe fringy frises frisks frisky friths fritts frivol frized frizer frizes frizzy frocks froggy frolic fronds fronts frosts frosty froths frothy frouzy frowns frowst frowsy frowzy frozen frugal fruits fruity frumps frumpy frusta fryers frying frypan orfray panfry safrol unfree zaffre

5 letter words that contains Fr

afrit frags frail frame franc frank fraps frass frats fraud frays freak freed freer frees fremd frena frere fresh frets friar fried frier fries frigs frill frise frisk frith frits fritt fritz frizz frock froes frogs frond frons front frore frosh frost froth frown frows froze frugs fruit frump fryer infra refry

4 letter words that contains Fr

frae frag frap frat fray free fret frig frit friz froe frog from frow frug

3 letter words that contains Fr

fro fry

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