1. abacus - abeyance
2. abhor - aboveboard
3. abrasion - abstemious
4. abstinence - accessible
5. accessory - accumulate
6. accuse - acrid
7. acrimonious - addicted
8. adept - admire
9. admission - advertise
10. advocate - affidavit
11. affiliate - aggrandize
12. aggravate - agony
13. agrarian - allegiance
14. allegory - aloof
15. alphabetical - ambulatory
16. ameliorate - amphibian
17. amplify - anarchist
18. anathema - animation
19. animus - antagonize
20. antecedence - antipathy
21. antique - aplomb
22. apocalyptic - apostrophe
23. apothecary - applause
24. applicant - approve
25. approximate - arbor
26. arboreal - archive
27. archness - arousal
28. arouse - articulate
29. artifact - aspect
30. asperity - asset
31. assiduous - asylum
32. asymmetrical - auction
33. audacious - authority
34. autocracy - awe
35. awkward - bacteria
36. badge - balky
37. ballad - banal
38. bane - barbarous
39. barefaced - bask
40. batch - bedlam
41. befuddle - bellwether
42. bemoan - bequeath
43. bequest - bifurcate
44. bigot - blase
45. blaspheme - blimp
46. blinking - blurt
47. blush - bombast
48. bonhomie - bough
49. bound - braggart
50. braided - break
51. breezeway - bromide
52. brook - bulge
53. bully - burnish
54. burrow - cache
55. cachet - calibrate
56. calligrapher - cameo
57. camouflage - canvass
58. canyon - caretaker
59. careworn - cast
60. castigate - cautious
61. cavalier - cell
62. cement - cessation
63. chaff - charade
64. charitable - cherish
65. cherubic - choleric
66. chord - chunk
67. churl - circumscribe
68. circumspect - clarion
69. clarity - clog
70. closet - coalesce
71. coarse - colander
72. collapse - comely
73. commencement - commonplace
74. commonsense - comply
75. comport - concede
76. concentrate - concur
77. condemn - confess
78. confident - congruent
79. congruous - conservatory
80. conserve - constellation
81. consternation - contemplate
82. contempt - contradictory
83. contravene - convene
84. convenience - convoke
85. convoluted - coronation
86. corporeal - countenance
87. counterfeit - covert
88. covetous - crass
89. crave - crest
90. crestfallen - crucial
91. crude - cultivate
92. cultivated - curry
93. cursory - dally
94. damn - dart
95. dated - debacle
96. debark - decadence
97. decant - dedication
98. default - defoliant
99. deforest - delectable
100. delegation - delve
101. demagogue - demur
102. demurrable - denunciation
103. deny - deposit
104. depravity - derogate
105. derogatory - despise
106. despondency - deter
107. deteriorate - devise
108. devoted - die
109. diehard - dilettante
110. diligent - diplomatic
111. dire - disarray
112. disavow - discommode
113. discompose - discrete
114. discretion - disgorge
115. disgruntle - disjointed
116. disjunctive - disposal
117. disposed - dissertation
118. dissimulate - distal
119. distemper - distraught
120. ditch - dodder
121. dodge - dolt
122. domicile - dour
123. dove - drench
124. drift - dryad
125. dubious - dwelling
126. dwindle - earshot
127. earsplitting - eclectic
128. eclipse - effervesce
129. effete - elaborate
130. elastic - elephantine
131. elevate - elusive
132. emaciate - embroider
133. emigrate - emulous
134. enact - endorse
135. endow - enlarger
136. enlighten - ensue
137. ensuing - enumerate
138. enunciate - epilogue
139. episode - erect
140. erode - estimable
141. estrange - evacuate
142. evade - ewe
143. exacerbate - exclaim
144. excoriate - exemplary
145. exemplify - exigent
146. exiguous - expiate
147. expire - extemporize
148. extenuate - extricate
149. extrinsic - facilitate
150. faction - fallacy
151. fallow - fast
152. fasten - favorable
153. fawn - feral
154. ferment - feudal
155. fiasco - filing
156. filly - flagging
157. flagrant - flee
158. fleeting - flock
159. florid - fluster
160. fluvial - footloose
161. forbearance - forgery
162. formidable - fracture
163. fragile - freelance
164. freelancer - friction
165. friendship - fructuous
166. frugal - furor
167. furtive - gainful
168. gainsay - gambol
169. gangling - gasification
170. gauche - genial
171. genteel - giddy
172. ginger - glaze
173. glee - glossary
174. glossy - goodwill
175. gorge - grandstand
176. grant - gravity
177. green - grotesque
178. grotto - guffaw
179. guile - habitable
180. hack - halting
181. ham-handed - haphazard
182. hapless - harmonious
183. harness - hauteur
184. haven - heated
185. heckle - hem
186. hemostatic - herpetology
187. hesitance - hieroglyphic
188. hike - hoarse
189. hoary - hone
190. honorarium - humane
191. humanitarian - hustle
192. hybrid - iconoclast
193. idiosyncrasy - ill-bred
194. illiteracy - immaculate
195. immanent - imp
196. impair - impenitent
197. imperative - impious
198. implacable - impostor
199. impotent - improvised
200. imprudent - inane
201. inanimate - incarnate
202. incendiary - incisive
203. incite - incorrigible
204. incriminate - indelicate
205. indemnity - indispensability
206. indispensable - indurate
207. industrious - inert
208. inertia - infer
209. inferno - ingenious
210. ingenuous - inimitable
211. iniquity - inquiry
212. inquisitive - insipid
213. insolent - instrumentalist
214. insubordinate - integral
215. integrate - interlock
216. interloper - intimate
217. intimidate - inundate
218. inundation - invidious
219. invigorate - irate
220. iridescence - irrigate
221. irritate - jargon
222. jaundice - jibe
223. jingo - jovial
224. joyous - kidnap
225. kindle - kudos
226. labile - lament
227. lamentable - languish
228. languor - lathe
229. latitude - lectern
230. ledger - levee
231. levelheaded - libertine
232. liberty - limpid
233. linen - loath
234. loathe - lottery
235. lounge - lugubrious
236. lukewarm - lush
237. lustrous - magnanimous
238. magnificent - malodorous
239. manacle - manipulate
240. mansion - martial
241. martinet - mattress
242. maudlin - measured
243. meddle - meld
244. meliorism - mendacity
245. menial - metamorphose
246. metaphor - milk
247. mill - mint
248. minuscule - mischievous
249. misconstrue - misnomer
250. misread - molar
251. molding - monologue
252. monopolize - mordant
253. moribund - motivate
254. motley - mumble
255. mundane - mutinous
256. mutter - natty
257. nausea - negligent
258. negotiate - nexus
259. nibble - nomad
260. nominal - notch
261. novelty - oasis
262. oath - obliging
263. oblique - obsess
264. obsolete - occult
265. occurrence - off-key
266. olfaction - opine
267. opportune - oration
268. orchestra - ossify
269. ostensible - outset
270. outwit - overwhelm
271. overwrought - palatable
272. palatial - palter
273. paltry - pantechnicon
274. pantry - paranoia
275. paraphrase - paroxysm
276. parquetry - partition
277. passionate - patron
278. patronize - pedestal
279. pedestrian - pellucid
280. pen - perceptible
281. perdition - perilous
282. perimeter - permissive
283. pernicious - perspective
284. perspicacious - perverse
285. pervert - phenomenal
286. philanthropic - pillar
287. pillory - pirate
288. pitch - placid
289. plagiarize - pleat
290. plenitude - plumage
291. plumb - polish
292. politic - porous
293. portent - pot
294. potable - precarious
295. precaution - precursor
296. predecessor - prehensile
297. prejudice - prescience
298. prescription - prevail
299. prevalent - pristine
300. privation - prodigious
301. prodigy - projection
302. proliferate - propagate
303. propensity - prosaic
304. proscribe - protest
305. protocol - provisional
306. proviso - prudish
307. prune - pulchritude
308. pullet - puny
309. purchase - putative
310. putrefaction - quarry
311. quartet - queue
312. quibble - rabid
313. racketeer - rail
314. raisin - rancor
315. randomize - rapscallion
316. rapt - ration
317. rationalize - reactionary
318. ream - receipt
319. receptacle - reconcile
320. recondite - recuperative
321. recur - refinery
322. reflective - regression
323. rehabilitate - relentless
324. relevant - remonstrate
325. remorse - repartee
326. repatriate - repose
327. reprehensible - reprove
328. reptile - reserved
329. residue - resplendent
330. responsive - retard
331. reticent - retrospective
332. revamp - revue
333. rewarding - rigid
334. rigmarole - riveting
335. rivulet - rosy
336. rotundity - rue
337. rueful - rustle
338. sabbatical - sage
339. salient - sanctify
340. sanctimonious - sarcasm
341. sartorial - savanna
342. savant - scan
343. scant - schism
344. school - scorn
345. scotch - script
346. scruple - seamy
347. seascape - sedulous
348. seedy - seminary
349. senility - septic
350. sepulchral - serfdom
351. sermon - shadow
352. shaft - shirk
353. shiver - shroud
354. shrug - signal
355. simper - singular
356. sinister - skirt
357. skit - sleek
358. slew - sloth
359. slouch - smart
360. smattering - snarl
361. sneak - solace
362. solder - somnolence
363. somnolent - sordid
364. sound - spectator
365. spectrum - splendor
366. splint - spry
367. spunk - squash
368. squat - stalwart
369. stamina - status
370. staunch - stickle
371. stickler - stir
372. stitch - stouthearted
373. straggle - striate
374. stricture - stultify
375. stumble - subdue
376. subject - subside
377. subsidiary - succinct
378. succor - summit
379. summon - supple
380. supplement - surreptitious
381. surrogate - sweltering
382. swerve - symmetry
383. sympathetic - systematic
384. tacit - taint
385. talisman - tantalize
386. tantamount - taunt
387. taut - telling
388. temerity - tentative
389. tenuous - testimony
390. testy - thrive
391. throng - tinge
392. tinker - toot
393. topple - tortuous
394. totter - traduce
395. train - translucent
396. transparent - tremulous
397. trenchant - trite
398. trivial - trumpet
399. truncate - turmoil
400. turncoat - ubiquitous
401. ugly - uncouth
402. unctuous - unexceptionable
403. unexceptional - unkempt
404. unlettered - unseemly
405. unsubstantial - unwonted
406. upbraid - vacate
407. vaccinate - valorize
408. valorous - varnish
409. vassal - venerable
410. venerate - verbatim
411. verbose - verse
412. versed - veto
413. vex - vigor
414. vile - virtuous
415. virulent - vitriolic
416. vituperative - voluntary
417. volunteer - vulture
418. waddle - wardrobe
419. warmonger - weary
420. weather - wick
421. wicked - winsome
422. wit - wordy
423. worldly - yawn
424. yearn - zig
425. zigzag - zone
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