prep house

단어 58개 - 제 6 과

day 22 - savant n. a learned person; a scholar 현인; 대학자
skeptical adj. questioning and doubtful 의심하는; 회의적인 - slander v. to spread a false statement 중상, 비방하다
day 23 - staunch adj. firm and steadfast 견실한; 확고한
sybaritic adj. devoted to excessive luxury 방탕한, 호색의 - sycophant n. a self-seeking, servile flatterer 아첨꾼
day 24 - terse adj. brief and to the point 간단 명료한
uncouth adj. lacking good manners or grace 무례한; 꼴사나운 - unctuous adj. oily; excessively flattering 기름기 있는; 지나치게 상냥한
day 25 - upbraid v. to criticize harshly and angrily 나무라다; 비난하다
vindicate v. to clear from guilt or blame 오명, 혐의를 풀다 - vindictive adj. seeking revenge 복수심을 품은
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