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scorn - v. 경멸하다, 멸시하다 :: despise disdain deride
segregate - v. 분리하다, 격리하다 :: separate isolate keep apart set apart
sever - v. 절단하다, 떼어 놓다 :: cut off separate detach disconnect part
absurd - a. 어리석은, 우스꽝스런 :: ridiculous foolish ludicrous preposterous stupid
ingrained - a. 깊이 뿌리 내린, 천성의 :: established embedded firm fixed implanted
saturated - a. (물로) 포화된, 흠뻑 젖은 :: unable to absorb
antiquity - n. 고대 유물; 태고, 먼 옛날 :: antique; ancient (times) classical times
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