단어 540개 - 제 25 과 [Day 14 out of 30 days]

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subsistence - n. 존재, 생존; (최저) 생계, 생활 양식 :: survival; food minimum (means) living maintenance sustenance
surveillance - n. 감시, 망보기, 감독 :: observation inspection scrutiny
disintegrate - v. 산산조각 내다, 붕괴시키다 :: break down[up] fall apart corrupt decay decompose
dispose - v. 배치하다, 정리하다; (~of)제거하다, 버리다 :: arrange array marshal organize range; get rid of throw away[out] discard jettison
eclipse - v. 가리다 ;실추시키다, 무색하게 하다 :: block hide conceal cover obscure; exceed surpass outclass outstrip outdo
envision - v. 마음에 그리다, 상상하다, (미래) 계획하다 :: imagine picture visualize anticipate expect foresee plan predict
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