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uniformly - adv. 고르게, 규칙적으로, 한결같이 :: consistently evenly invariable without variation smooth(ly)
boon - n. 은혜, 혜택, 선물; 큰 이익 :: (great) benefit advantage aid asset help
mandate - n. 요구, 지시;위임 (사항), 권한 부여 :: ordering instruction order command charge commission ruling; authority
abound in - v. (in) ~에 많이 있다; (in, with) ~이 풍부하다, 넘칠듯 많다 :: be numerous (in) be abundant (in) ; be filled with be full of teem with
bombard - v. 충격을 주다, 공격하다 :: hit strike
compress - v. 압축하다, 채워 넣다 :: compact crush pack press squeeze
course - v. (~through) 따라 나아가다, 흐르다 :: run (through) flow (through) stream (through)
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