GRE 2 vocabulary list- 300 words | Quiz and Flashcards - Section 20

GRE Vocab
circumspect - 신중한; advertent, cautious, deliberate, judicious, measured, prudent, wary :: prudent
collide - 충돌하다; bump into, crash, have a collision, run into :: bump into crash into smash into
collusion - 공모, 결탁; complicity, conspiracy
compliant - 순종하는; acquiescent, amenable, docile, pliable, tractable, yielding :: submissive
compulsory - 필수의, 의무적인; enforced, obligatory, essential, required
condescend - 자신의 낮추다; deign, humble, lower oneself
conscientious - 세심한; methodical, meticulous, painstaking, punctilious, scrupulous
conundrum - 수수께기; puzzle, riddle
copious - 풍부한; abundant, ample, plentiful, profuse, sufficient :: plentiful abundant ample bountiful plenty profuse
crucial - 중요한; consequential, considerable, fundamental, momentous, substantial, vital :: decisive
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