GRE 1 vocabulary list- 257 words | Quiz and Flashcards - Section 19

GRE vocab
suffrage - 투표권
superfluous - 쓸데없는; excessive, redundant, surpllus, unessential, unnecessary :: extra
tout - 조르다, 선전하다; importune, solicit, hype
transitory - 일시적인; ephemeral, evanescent, interim, provisional, tentative, transient :: brief short-lived ephemeral transient temporary
volatile - 변덕스러운; erratic, fickle, vagrant, whimsical
adroit - 능숙한; adept, deft, dexterous, expert
advocate - 옹호하다; bolster, buttress, champion, espouse, vindicate :: argue for promote recommend speak in favor of support champion endorse
affable - 상냥한; sociable, genial, good-natured, pleasant
altruistic - 이타적; philanthropic, unselfish
arbitrary - 제멋대로의; random, haphazard
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