GRE 3 vocabulary list- 144 words | Quiz and Flashcards - Section 2

GRE vocab
aver - 주장하다; affirm, assert, claim, declare
awkward - 서투른; clumsy, gauche, gawky, heavy-handed, inept, maladroit :: inelegant
befuddle - 혼란에 빠뜨리다; bewilder, confound, perplex, puzzle
bemuse - 곤혹스럽게 하다; befuddle, bewilder, confound, confuse, perplex, puzzle
betray - 배신하다, 폭로하다; be disloyal to, disclose, divulge, reveal :: rebel go against act contrary to
bewilder - 당황하게 하다; baffle, mystify, nonplus, obfuscate, perplex, puzzle
coarse - 거친, 버릇 없는; crude, rough, uneven, boorish, rude
cogent - 설득력이 있는; convincing :: convincing
comity - 예절; mutual civility, courtesy
compassionate - 인정 많은; beneficent, clement, merciful, philanthropic, charitable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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